test_classes (class)

class_list = [{'name': 'Elmer', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Elmer/Elmer.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Elmer', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['ElmerResults', 'ElmerResultsVTU', 'Section', 'SolverInputFile'], 'package': 'Elmer', 'desc': 'Abstract parent class for all Elmer related convienence classes', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ElmerResults', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Elmer/ElmerResults.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'data', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Dict with simulation results'}, {'name': 'file', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Filename of the results data file'}, {'name': 'usecols', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List integers (starting with 1) of columns to load. If usecols is not set all columns are loaded.'}, {'name': 'columns', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of columns data names'}, {'name': 'is_scalars', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': "Determin if data are 'SaveScalars' data, else 'SaveLine' data are assumed"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['load_data', 'load_columns', 'get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Elmer', 'desc': "Class to get 'SaveScalars' and 'SaveLine' data", 'mother': 'Elmer', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ElmerResultsVTU', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Elmer/ElmerResultsVTU.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'label', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'ElmerResults', 'desc': 'Label of the resulting meshsolution'}, {'name': 'file_path', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Filename of the results VTU data file'}, {'name': 'store_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Dict containing the data names to store'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_meshsolution'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Elmer', 'desc': 'Class to get Elmer simulation results from a VTU file', 'mother': 'Elmer', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Section', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Elmer/Section.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'section', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the section'}, {'name': 'id', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Index of a numbered section'}, {'name': 'comment', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Section global comment'}, {'name': '_statements', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'internal dict to store the sections statements'}, {'name': '_comments', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'internal dict to store comments on single statements'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['__delitem__', '__getitem__', '__iter__', '__len__', '__missing__', '__reversed__', '__setitem__', 'pop', 'keys', 'write'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Elmer', 'desc': 'Class to setup a section of an Elmer Solver Input File', 'mother': 'Elmer', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SolverInputFile', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Elmer/SolverInputFile.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'sections', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of SIF sections'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['write'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Elmer', 'desc': 'Class to setup the Elmer Solver Input File', 'mother': 'Elmer', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Arc', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Arc.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['draw_FEMM', 'intersect_line', 'is_on_line', 'split_line', 'comp_distance', 'plot'], 'daughters': ['Arc1', 'Arc2', 'Arc3'], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'Abstract class for arc', 'mother': 'Line', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Arc1', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Arc1.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'begin', 'unit': '', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'begin point of the arc'}, {'name': 'end', 'unit': '', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'end point of the arc'}, {'name': 'radius', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Radius of the arc (can be + or -)'}, {'name': 'is_trigo_direction', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Rotation direction of the arc'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_length', 'comp_radius', 'discretize', 'get_angle', 'get_begin', 'get_center', 'get_end', 'get_middle', 'reverse', 'rotate', 'scale', 'split_half', 'translate'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'An arc between two points (defined by a radius)', 'mother': 'Arc', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Arc2', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Arc2.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'begin', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'begin point of the arc'}, {'name': 'center', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'center of the arc'}, {'name': 'angle', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '-6.283185308', 'max': '6.283185308', 'value': 1.57079633, 'desc': 'opening angle of the arc'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_length', 'comp_radius', 'discretize', 'get_angle', 'get_begin', 'get_center', 'get_end', 'get_middle', 'reverse', 'rotate', 'scale', 'split_half', 'translate'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'An arc between two points (defined by the begin point and a center and angle)', 'mother': 'Arc', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Arc3', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Arc3.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'begin', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'begin point of the arc'}, {'name': 'end', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'end of the arc'}, {'name': 'is_trigo_direction', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Rotation direction of the arc'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_length', 'comp_radius', 'discretize', 'get_angle', 'get_begin', 'get_center', 'get_end', 'get_middle', 'reverse', 'rotate', 'scale', 'split_half', 'translate'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'Half circle define by two points', 'mother': 'Arc', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Circle', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Circle.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'radius', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Radius of the circle'}, {'name': 'center', 'unit': '', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'center of the Circle'}, {'name': 'line_label', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Label to set to the lines'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_length', 'comp_surface', 'discretize', 'get_lines', 'get_patches', 'rotate', 'translate', 'comp_point_ref'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'Circle define by the center of circle(point_ref), the label and the radius', 'mother': 'Surface', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Line', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Line.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'label', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'the label of the Line (EX: Yoke_side)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_normal'], 'daughters': ['Arc', 'Arc1', 'Arc2', 'Arc3', 'Segment'], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'Abstract geometry class (A line between two points)', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'PolarArc', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/PolarArc.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'angle', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Polar angle'}, {'name': 'height', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'The Heigth of the PolarAngle'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_lines', 'rotate', 'translate', 'check', 'comp_length', 'discretize', 'get_patches', 'comp_surface', 'comp_point_ref'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'PolarArc defined by the center of object(point_ref), the label, the angle and the height', 'mother': 'Surface', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Segment', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Segment.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'begin', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'begin point of the line'}, {'name': 'end', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'end point of the line'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_distance', 'comp_length', 'discretize', 'draw_FEMM', 'get_begin', 'get_end', 'get_middle', 'intersect_line', 'is_on_line', 'plot', 'reverse', 'rotate', 'scale', 'split_half', 'split_line', 'translate'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'A segment between two points', 'mother': 'Line', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Surface', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Surface.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'point_ref', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'complex', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Center of symmetry'}, {'name': 'label', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Label of the surface'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_mesh_dict', 'draw_FEMM', 'plot', 'split_line'], 'daughters': ['Circle', 'PolarArc', 'SurfLine', 'SurfRing', 'Trapeze'], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'SurfLine define by list of lines that delimit it, label and point reference.', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SurfLine', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/SurfLine.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'line_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Line]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of Lines '}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_length', 'comp_point_ref', 'comp_surface', 'discretize', 'get_lines', 'get_patches', 'plot_lines', 'rotate', 'scale', 'translate'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'SurfLine defined by list of lines that delimit it, label and point reference.', 'mother': 'Surface', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SurfRing', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/SurfRing.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'out_surf', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Surface', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Outter surface'}, {'name': 'in_surf', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Surface', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Inner surface'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_lines', 'rotate', 'translate', 'check', 'comp_length', 'get_patches', 'discretize', 'comp_surface', 'plot_lines', 'comp_point_ref'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'SurfRing is a surface between two closed surfaces (lamination surfaces for instance)', 'mother': 'Surface', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Trapeze', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Geometry/Trapeze.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'height', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'the height of the Trapeze'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'the big base of Trapeze'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'the small base of the Trapeze'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_length', 'comp_surface', 'discretize', 'get_lines', 'get_patches', 'rotate', 'translate', 'comp_point_ref'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Geometry', 'desc': 'Trapeze defined by the center of symmetry(point_ref), the label, the polar angle, the height and the big and small weight', 'mother': 'Surface', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'GUIOption', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/GUI_Option/GUIOption.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'unit', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Unit', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Unit options'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'GUIOption', 'desc': '', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Unit', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/GUI_Option/Unit.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'unit_m', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0: use m, 1: use mm'}, {'name': 'unit_rad', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0: use rad, 1: use deg'}, {'name': 'unit_m2', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0: use m^2, 1: use mm^2'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_m', 'get_m2', 'get_m_name', 'get_m2_name', 'set_m', 'set_m2'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'GUI_Option', 'desc': '', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Import', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/Import.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['ImportGenMatrixSin', 'ImportGenPWM', 'ImportGenToothSaw', 'ImportGenVectLin', 'ImportGenVectSin', 'ImportMatlab', 'ImportMatrix', 'ImportMatrixVal', 'ImportMatrixXls', 'ImportMeshMat', 'ImportMeshUnv'], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Abstract class for Data Import/Generation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportData', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportData.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'axes', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[ImportData]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of axes of the data'}, {'name': 'field', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Import', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Field (Import object)'}, {'name': 'unit', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'SI', 'desc': 'Unit of the field'}, {'name': 'name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the field'}, {'name': 'symbol', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Symbol of the field'}, {'name': 'normalizations', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Dict of normalizations'}, {'name': 'symmetries', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Dict of symmetries'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Abstract class for Data Import/Generation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportGenMatrixSin', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportGenMatrixSin.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'sin_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[ImportGenVectSin]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of sinus vector to generate the matrix lines'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data', 'init_vector'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'To generate a Sinus matrix', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportGenPWM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportGenPWM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'fs', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 96000, 'desc': 'sample frequency'}, {'name': 'duration', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 10, 'desc': 'duration'}, {'name': 'f', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 50, 'desc': 'fundamental frequency'}, {'name': 'fmax', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'maximal fundamental frequency'}, {'name': 'fmode', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'speed mode: 0: Fixed speed, 1: Variable speed'}, {'name': 'fswimode', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'switch mode: 0:Fixed fswi, 1:Variable fswi'}, {'name': 'fswi', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1000, 'desc': 'switching frequency'}, {'name': 'fswi_max', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 3000, 'desc': 'maximal switching frequency'}, {'name': 'typePWM', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 8, 'desc': '0: GDPWM 1: DPWMMIN 2: DPWMMAX 3: DPWM0 4: DPWM1 5: DPWM2 6: DPWM3 7: SVPWM 8: SPWM'}, {'name': 'Vdc1', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 2, 'desc': 'DC BUS voltage'}, {'name': 'U0', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'reference voltage'}, {'name': 'type_carrier', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '1: forward toothsaw carrier 2: backwards toothsaw carrier 3: toothsaw carrier else: symetrical toothsaw carrier'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'To generate a PWM voltage matrix', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportGenToothSaw', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportGenToothSaw.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'type_signal', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '2', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0: Forward toothsaw, 1: Backwards toothsaw, 2: symmetrical toothsaw'}, {'name': 'f', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 100, 'desc': 'Frequency of the signal to generate'}, {'name': 'A', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Amplitude of the signal to generate'}, {'name': 'N', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1024, 'desc': 'Length of the signal to generate'}, {'name': 'Tf', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'End time of the signal generation'}, {'name': 'Dt', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Time offset'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'To generate a toothsaw vector', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportGenVectLin', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportGenVectLin.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'start', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Begin point of the linspace'}, {'name': 'stop', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'End point of the linspace'}, {'name': 'num', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 100, 'desc': 'Number of value in the linspace'}, {'name': 'endpoint', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'If True, stop is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_step', 'get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'To generate a Linspace vector', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportGenVectSin', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportGenVectSin.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'f', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 100, 'desc': 'Frequency of the sinus to generate'}, {'name': 'A', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Amplitude of the sinus to generate'}, {'name': 'Phi', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '-6.29', 'max': '6.29', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Phase of the sinus to generate'}, {'name': 'N', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1024, 'desc': 'Length of the vector to generate'}, {'name': 'Tf', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'End time of the sinus generation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'To generate a Sinus vector', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportMatlab', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportMatlab.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'file_path', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path of the file to load'}, {'name': 'var_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the variable to load'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Import the data from a mat file', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportMatrix', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportMatrix.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'is_transpose', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '1 to transpose the Imported/Generated matrix'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['edit_matrix'], 'daughters': ['ImportGenMatrixSin', 'ImportGenPWM', 'ImportGenToothSaw', 'ImportGenVectLin', 'ImportGenVectSin', 'ImportMatlab', 'ImportMatrixVal', 'ImportMatrixXls'], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Abstract class to Import/Generate 1D or D matrix', 'mother': 'Import', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportMatrixVal', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportMatrixVal.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'value', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'The matrix to return'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Import directly the value from the object', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportMatrixXls', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportMatrixXls.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'file_path', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path of the file to load'}, {'name': 'sheet', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the sheet to load'}, {'name': 'skiprows', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'To skip some rows in the file (header)'}, {'name': 'usecols', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'To select the range of column to use'}, {'name': 'axes_colrows', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To read axes in first line/column'}, {'name': 'is_allsheets', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'To read all sheets in a 3D matrix'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Import the data from an xls file', 'mother': 'ImportMatrix', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportMeshMat', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportMeshMat.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'file_path', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path of the file to load'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Import mesh as meshMat', 'mother': 'Import', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportMeshUnv', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportMeshUnv.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'file_path', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path of the file to load'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Import mesh data from an unv file', 'mother': 'Import', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ImportVectorField', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Import/ImportVectorField.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'components', 'unit': '-', 'type': '{ImportData}', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Dict of components (e.g. {"radial": ImportData})'}, {'name': 'name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the vector field'}, {'name': 'symbol', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Symbol of the vector field'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_data'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Import', 'desc': 'Abstract class for Data Import/Generation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Bore', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Bore.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['BoreFlower', 'BoreUD'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Abstract class for Bore shape', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'BoreFlower', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/BoreFlower.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'N', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 8, 'desc': 'Number of flower arc'}, {'name': 'Rarc', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Radius of the flower arc'}, {'name': 'alpha', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Angular offset for the arc'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_bore_line'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Class for Bore flower shape', 'mother': 'Bore', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'BoreUD', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/BoreUD.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'line_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Line]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of line to draw the full bore'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_bore_line'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'User Defined Bore shape', 'mother': 'Bore', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'CondType11', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/CondType11.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Hwire', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'cf schematics, single wire height without insulation [m]'}, {'name': 'Wwire', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'cf schematics, single wire width without insulation [m]'}, {'name': 'Nwppc_rad', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'cf schematics, stator winding number of preformed wires (strands) in parallel per coil along radial (vertical) direction'}, {'name': 'Nwppc_tan', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'cf schematics, stator winding number of preformed wires (strands) in parallel per coil along tangential (horizontal) direction'}, {'name': 'Wins_wire', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '(advanced) cf schematics, winding strand insulation thickness [m]'}, {'name': 'Wins_coil', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '(advanced) cf schematics, winding coil insulation thickness [m]'}, {'name': 'type_winding_shape', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'type of winding shape for end winding length calculation\\n0 for hairpin windings\\n1 for normal windings'}, {'name': 'alpha_ew', 'unit': 'deg', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '180', 'value': 58, 'desc': 'angle of winding overhang hairpin coils [deg]'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_surface_active', 'comp_height', 'comp_surface', 'comp_width', 'plot', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'parallel stranded conductor consisting of at least a single rectangular wire', 'mother': 'Conductor', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'CondType12', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/CondType12.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Wwire', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.015, 'desc': 'cf schematics, single wire diameter without insulation [m]'}, {'name': 'Wins_cond', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.015, 'desc': '(advanced) cf schematics, winding coil insulation diameter [m]'}, {'name': 'Nwppc', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'cf schematics, winding number of random wires (strands) in parallel per coil'}, {'name': 'Wins_wire', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '(advanced) cf schematics, winding strand insulation thickness [m]'}, {'name': 'Kwoh', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.5, 'desc': 'winding overhang factor which describes the fact that random round wire end-windings can be more or less compressed (0.5 for small motors, 0.8 for large motors) - can be used to tune the average turn length (relevant if type_cond==1)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_surface_active', 'comp_height', 'comp_surface', 'comp_width', 'plot', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'parallel stranded conductor consisting of at least a single round wire', 'mother': 'Conductor', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'CondType21', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/CondType21.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Hbar', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Bar height'}, {'name': 'Wbar', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Bar width'}, {'name': 'Wins', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Width of insulation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_surface_active', 'comp_height', 'comp_surface', 'comp_width', 'plot'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': "single rectangular conductor \\nhas to be used for LamSquirrelCages's conductor", 'mother': 'Conductor', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'CondType22', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/CondType22.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Sbar', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Surface of the Slot'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_surface_active', 'comp_surface'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'conductor with only surface definition without specifc shape nor isolation', 'mother': 'Conductor', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Conductor', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Conductor.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'cond_mat', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Material of the conductor'}, {'name': 'ins_mat', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Material of the insulation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check'], 'daughters': ['CondType11', 'CondType12', 'CondType21', 'CondType22'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'abstact class for conductors', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Frame', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Frame.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Lfra', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.35, 'desc': 'frame length [m]'}, {'name': 'Rint', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.2, 'desc': 'frame internal radius'}, {'name': 'Rext', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.2, 'desc': 'Frame external radius'}, {'name': 'mat_type', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Frame material'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'comp_height_eq', 'comp_mass', 'comp_surface', 'comp_volume', 'get_length', 'plot'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'machine frame', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LamHole', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/LamHole.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'hole', 'unit': '', 'type': '[Hole]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'lamination Hole'}, {'name': 'bore', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Bore', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Bore Shape'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'comp_height_yoke', 'comp_masses', 'comp_surfaces', 'comp_volumes', 'get_pole_pair_number', 'plot', 'comp_radius_mid_yoke', 'has_magnet', 'comp_angle_d_axis', 'comp_periodicity'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Lamination with Hole with or without magnet or winding', 'mother': 'Lamination', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Lamination', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Lamination.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'L1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '100', 'value': 0.35, 'desc': 'Lamination stack active length [m] without radial ventilation airducts but including insulation layers between lamination sheets'}, {'name': 'mat_type', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Lamination's material"}, {'name': 'Nrvd', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'number of radial air ventilation ducts in lamination'}, {'name': 'Wrvd', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'axial width of ventilation ducts in lamination'}, {'name': 'Kf1', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0.95, 'desc': 'lamination stacking / packing factor'}, {'name': 'is_internal', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': '1 for internal lamination topology, 0 for external lamination'}, {'name': 'Rint', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'To fill'}, {'name': 'Rext', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'To fill'}, {'name': 'is_stator', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'To fill'}, {'name': 'axial_vent', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Hole]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Axial ventilation ducts'}, {'name': 'notch', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Notch]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Lamination bore notches'}, {'name': 'yoke_notch', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Notch]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Lamination yoke notches'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_length', 'comp_masses', 'comp_radius_mec', 'comp_surface_axial_vent', 'comp_surfaces', 'comp_volumes', 'get_bore_line', 'get_Rbo', 'get_Ryoke', 'get_name_phase', 'plot', 'comp_output_geo', 'get_polar_eq', 'is_outwards', 'comp_height_yoke', 'get_notch_list', 'comp_angle_q_axis', 'comp_radius_mid_yoke', 'get_yoke_desc', 'get_bore_desc'], 'daughters': ['LamHole', 'LamSlot', 'LamSlotMag', 'LamSlotMulti', 'LamSlotWind', 'LamSquirrelCage'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'abstract class for lamination', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LamSlot', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/LamSlot.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'slot', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Slot', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'lamination Slot'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'comp_radius_mec', 'comp_surfaces', 'get_pole_pair_number', 'plot', 'comp_height_yoke', 'get_Zs', 'comp_radius_mid_yoke', 'comp_periodicity', 'get_bore_desc'], 'daughters': ['LamSlotMag', 'LamSlotWind', 'LamSquirrelCage'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Lamination with empty Slot', 'mother': 'Lamination', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LamSlotMag', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/LamSlotMag.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'magnet', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Magnet of the lamination'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_masses', 'comp_radius_mec', 'comp_surfaces', 'comp_volumes', 'plot', 'comp_angle_d_axis', 'comp_periodicity'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Lamination with Slot for Magnets', 'mother': 'LamSlot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LamSlotMulti', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/LamSlotMulti.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'slot_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[Slot]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of lamination Slot'}, {'name': 'alpha', 'unit': '[rad]', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Angular position of the Slots'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_radius_mec', 'comp_surfaces', 'get_pole_pair_number', 'plot', 'comp_height_yoke', 'get_Zs', 'get_bore_desc'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Lamination with list of Slot', 'mother': 'Lamination', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LamSlotWind', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/LamSlotWind.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Ksfill', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Imposed Slot Fill factor (if None, will be computed according to the winding and the slot)'}, {'name': 'winding', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Winding', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Lamination's Winding"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_masses', 'comp_surfaces', 'comp_volumes', 'get_pole_pair_number', 'get_name_phase', 'plot', 'plot_winding', 'comp_fill_factor', 'comp_output_geo', 'get_polar_eq', 'comp_wind_function', 'plot_mmf_unit', 'comp_resistance_wind', 'comp_angle_d_axis', 'comp_mmf_unit', 'comp_rot_dir', 'comp_lengths_winding', 'comp_number_phase_eq', 'comp_periodicity'], 'daughters': ['LamSquirrelCage'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Lamination with Slot filled with winding', 'mother': 'LamSlot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LamSquirrelCage', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/LamSquirrelCage.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Hscr', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'short circuit ring section radial height [m]'}, {'name': 'Lscr', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.015, 'desc': 'short circuit ring section axial length'}, {'name': 'ring_mat', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Material of the Rotor short circuit ring'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_length_ring', 'plot', 'comp_number_phase_eq', 'comp_periodicity', 'comp_surface_ring', 'comp_resistance_wind'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'squirrel cages lamination', 'mother': 'LamSlotWind', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Machine', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Machine.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'frame', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Frame', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Frame"}, {'name': 'shaft', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Shaft', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Shaft"}, {'name': 'name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'default_machine', 'desc': 'Name of the machine'}, {'name': 'desc', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Machine description'}, {'name': 'type_machine', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Integer to store the machine type (for the GUI, should be replaced by a test of the object type)'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Machine', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_offset_initial', 'comp_desc_dict', 'comp_length_airgap_active', 'comp_masses', 'comp_output_geo', 'comp_Rgap_mec', 'comp_periodicity', 'comp_width_airgap_mag', 'comp_width_airgap_mec', 'get_material_list', 'get_polar_eq', 'plot', 'plot_anim_rotor', 'get_lam_list', 'get_lam_list_label', 'get_lam_by_label', 'get_lam_index', 'get_pole_pair_number'], 'daughters': ['MachineAsync', 'MachineDFIM', 'MachineIPMSM', 'MachineSCIM', 'MachineSIPMSM', 'MachineSRM', 'MachineSyRM', 'MachineSync', 'MachineUD', 'MachineWRSM'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Abstract class for machines', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineAsync', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineAsync.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['is_synchronous', 'comp_desc_dict'], 'daughters': ['MachineDFIM', 'MachineSCIM'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Abstract class for asynchronous machines', 'mother': 'Machine', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineDFIM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineDFIM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rotor', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Rotor"}, {'name': 'stator', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Stator"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'get_machine_type'], 'daughters': ['MachineSCIM'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Doubly Fed Induction Machine', 'mother': 'MachineAsync', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineIPMSM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineIPMSM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rotor', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamHole', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Rotor"}, {'name': 'stator', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Stator"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'get_machine_type'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine', 'mother': 'MachineSync', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineSCIM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineSCIM.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'get_machine_type'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Squirrel Cage Induction Machine', 'mother': 'MachineDFIM', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineSIPMSM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineSIPMSM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rotor', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotMag', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Rotor"}, {'name': 'stator', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Stator"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'get_machine_type'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Inset and Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine', 'mother': 'MachineSync', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineSRM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineSRM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rotor', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlot', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Rotor"}, {'name': 'stator', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Stator"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'get_machine_type'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Switched Reluctance Machine', 'mother': 'MachineSync', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineSync', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineSync.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['is_synchronous'], 'daughters': ['MachineIPMSM', 'MachineSIPMSM', 'MachineSRM', 'MachineSyRM', 'MachineWRSM'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Abstract class for synchronous machine', 'mother': 'Machine', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineSyRM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineSyRM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rotor', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamHole', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Rotor"}, {'name': 'stator', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Stator"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'get_machine_type'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Synchronous Reluctance Machine', 'mother': 'MachineSync', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineUD', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineUD.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'lam_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[Lamination]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of Lamination'}, {'name': 'is_sync', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': True, 'desc': 'True if the machine should be handled as a Synchronous machine'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'is_synchronous'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'User defined Machine with multiple Laminations', 'mother': 'Machine', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MachineWRSM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/MachineWRSM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rotor', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Rotor"}, {'name': 'stator', 'unit': '', 'type': 'LamSlotWind', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Machine's Stator"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['check', 'get_machine_type'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Wound Rotor Synchronous Machine', 'mother': 'MachineSync', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Magnet', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Magnet.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'mat_type', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'The Magnet material'}, {'name': 'type_magnetization', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '5', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Permanent magnet magnetization type: 0 for radial, 1 for parallel, 2 for Hallbach'}, {'name': 'Lmag', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.95, 'desc': 'Magnet axial length'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Magnet class', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Notch', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Notch.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_Rbo', 'is_outwards'], 'daughters': ['NotchEvenDist'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Abstract class for notches', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'NotchEvenDist', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/NotchEvenDist.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'alpha', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'angular positon of the first notch'}, {'name': 'notch_shape', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Slot', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Shape of the Notch'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_notch_list', 'comp_surface'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Class for evenly distributed notches (according to Zs)', 'mother': 'Notch', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Shaft', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Shaft.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Lshaft', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '100', 'value': 0.442, 'desc': 'length of the rotor shaft [m] (used for weight & cost estimation only)'}, {'name': 'mat_type', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Shaft's Material"}, {'name': 'Drsh', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '8', 'value': 0.045, 'desc': 'diameter of the rotor shaft [m], used to estimate bearing diameter for friction losses'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'comp_mass', 'plot'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'machine shaft', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Winding', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/Winding.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'is_reverse_wind', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '1 to reverse the default winding algorithm along the airgap (c, b, a instead of a, b, c along the trigonometric direction)'}, {'name': 'Nslot_shift_wind', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0 not to change the stator winding connection matrix built by pyleecan number of slots to shift the coils obtained with pyleecan winding algorithm (a, b, c becomes b, c, a with Nslot_shift_wind1=1)'}, {'name': 'qs', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '100', 'value': 3, 'desc': 'number of phases '}, {'name': 'Ntcoil', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '1000', 'value': 7, 'desc': 'number of turns per coil'}, {'name': 'Npcpp', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '1000', 'value': 2, 'desc': 'number of parallel circuits per phase (maximum 2p)'}, {'name': 'type_connection', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Winding connection : 0 star (Y), 1 triangle (delta)'}, {'name': 'p', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '100', 'value': 3, 'desc': 'pole pairs number'}, {'name': 'Lewout', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '100', 'value': 0.015, 'desc': 'straight length of the conductors outside the lamination before the curved part of winding overhang [m] - can be negative to tune the average turn length '}, {'name': 'conductor', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Conductor', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': "Winding's conductor"}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"Abstract Winding"'}], 'methods': ['comp_Ncspc', 'comp_Ntspc', 'comp_phasor_angle', 'comp_winding_factor', 'comp_length_endwinding'], 'daughters': ['WindingCW1L', 'WindingCW2LR', 'WindingCW2LT', 'WindingDW1L', 'WindingDW2L', 'WindingSC', 'WindingUD'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'Winding abstract class', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'WindingCW1L', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/WindingCW1L.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"single layer concentrated"'}], 'methods': ['comp_connection_mat', 'get_dim_wind'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': "single layer non-overlapping 'concentrated' tooth winding 'alternate teeth wound'", 'mother': 'Winding', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'WindingCW2LR', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/WindingCW2LR.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"double layer concentrated (radial)"'}], 'methods': ['comp_connection_mat', 'get_dim_wind'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'double layer non-overlapping "concentrated" tooth winding "all teeth wound", radial coil superposition', 'mother': 'Winding', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'WindingCW2LT', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/WindingCW2LT.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"double layer concentrated (orthoradial)"'}], 'methods': ['comp_connection_mat', 'get_dim_wind'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'double layer non-overlapping "concentrated" tooth winding "all teeth wound", orthoradial coil superposition', 'mother': 'Winding', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'WindingDW1L', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/WindingDW1L.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'coil_pitch', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1000', 'value': 5, 'desc': 'winding coil pitch or coil span expressed in slots (coil_pitch1=Zs/(2p)->full-pitch distributed winding, coil_pitch1<Zs/(2p)->chorded/shorted-pitch distributed winding, coil_pitch1=1->tooth-winding). Coil pitch is sometimes written 1/9 means Input.Magnetics.coil_pitch1=9-1=8'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"single layer distributed"'}], 'methods': ['comp_connection_mat', 'get_dim_wind'], 'daughters': ['WindingDW2L'], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'single layer overlapping integral distributed winding', 'mother': 'Winding', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'WindingDW2L', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/WindingDW2L.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"double layer distributed"'}], 'methods': ['get_dim_wind'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'double layer overlapping integral distributed winding, radial coil superposition', 'mother': 'WindingDW1L', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'WindingSC', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/WindingSC.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"short-circuit"'}], 'methods': ['comp_connection_mat', 'get_dim_wind'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'short-circuit winding (e.g. squirrel cage type)', 'mother': 'Winding', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'WindingUD', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Machine/WindingUD.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'user_wind_mat', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'user defined Winding matrix'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"User defined"'}], 'methods': ['comp_connection_mat', 'get_dim_wind'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Machine', 'desc': 'User defined winding', 'mother': 'Winding', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MatEconomical', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/MatEconomical.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'cost_unit', 'unit': 'unit/kg', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.127, 'desc': 'Cost of one kilo of material'}, {'name': 'unit_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '$', 'desc': 'Name of the unit'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'material ecomomical properties', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MatElectrical', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/MatElectrical.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rho', 'unit': 'ohm.m', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Resistivity at 20 deg C'}, {'name': 'epsr', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Relative dielectric constant'}, {'name': 'alpha', 'unit': '1/K', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Thermal Coefficient'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'material electrical properties', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Material', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/Material.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Material', 'desc': 'name of the material'}, {'name': 'is_isotropic', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'If True, uniformity in all orientations'}, {'name': 'elec', 'unit': '', 'type': 'MatElectrical', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Electrical properties of the material'}, {'name': 'mag', 'unit': '', 'type': 'MatMagnetics', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Magnetic properties of the material'}, {'name': 'struct', 'unit': '', 'type': 'MatStructural', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Structural properties of the material'}, {'name': 'HT', 'unit': '', 'type': 'MatHT', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Heat Transfer properties of the material'}, {'name': 'eco', 'unit': '', 'type': 'MatEconomical', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Economical properties of the material'}, {'name': 'desc', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Material description', 'desc': 'material description'}, {'name': 'path', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path to the material file'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': '', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MatHT', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/MatHT.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'lambda_x', 'unit': 'W/K', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'thermal conductivity (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'lambda_y', 'unit': 'W/K', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'thermal conductivity (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'lambda_z', 'unit': 'W/K', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'thermal conductivity (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'Cp', 'unit': 'W/kg/K', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'specific heat capacity'}, {'name': 'alpha', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.00393, 'desc': 'thermal expansion coefficient'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'Material Heat Transfer properties', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MatMagnetics', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/MatMagnetics.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'mur_lin', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Relative magnetic permeability'}, {'name': 'Hc', 'unit': 'A/m', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Coercitivity field'}, {'name': 'Brm20', 'unit': 'T', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'magnet remanence induction at 20degC'}, {'name': 'alpha_Br', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'temperature coefficient for remanent flux density /degC compared to 20degC'}, {'name': 'Wlam', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'lamination sheet width without insulation [m] (0 == not laminated)'}, {'name': 'BH_curve', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ImportMatrix', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'nonlinear B(H) curve (two columns matrix, H and B(H))'}, {'name': 'LossData', 'unit': 'W/kg', 'type': 'ImportMatrix', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'specific loss data value triplets, i.e. B, f, P'}, {'name': 'ModelBH', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ModelBH', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'a model of BH curve with an analytical expression'}, {'name': 'is_BH_extrapolate', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '1 to use ModelBH to fit input data and extrapolate BH curve'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_BH', 'plot_BH'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'magnetic material properties', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MatStructural', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/MatStructural.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rho', 'unit': 'kg/m^3', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 7650, 'desc': 'mass per unit volume [kg/m3]'}, {'name': 'Ex', 'unit': 'Pa', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 215000000000.0, 'desc': 'equivalent Young modulus (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'Ey', 'unit': 'Pa', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 215000000000.0, 'desc': 'equivalent Young modulus (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'Ez', 'unit': 'Pa', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 80000000000, 'desc': 'equivalent Young modulus (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'nu_xy', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.3, 'desc': 'equivalent Poisson ratio in the XY plane (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'nu_xz', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'equivalent Poisson ratio in the XZ plane (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'nu_yz', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'equivalent Poisson ratio in the YZ plane (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'Gxz', 'unit': 'Pa', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 2000000000, 'desc': 'shear modulus in XY plane (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'Gxy', 'unit': 'Pa', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'shear modulus in XZ plane (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}, {'name': 'Gyz', 'unit': 'Pa', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 2000000000, 'desc': 'shear modulus in YZ plane (XY is lamination plane, Z is rotation axis)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'Material Structural properties', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ModelBH', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/ModelBH.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Bmax', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 2.31, 'desc': 'Max value of H for extrapolation'}, {'name': 'Hmax', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Max value of B for extrapolation'}, {'name': 'delta', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 100, 'desc': 'Step value for H'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_BH', 'fit_model'], 'daughters': ['ModelBH_Langevin', 'ModelBH_arctangent', 'ModelBH_linear_sat'], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'Abstract class for BH curve model ', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ModelBH_arctangent', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/ModelBH_arctangent.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'k', 'unit': 'T', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'BH curve parameter'}, {'name': 'mu_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Saturation permeability parameter'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'Abstract class for BH curve model ', 'mother': 'ModelBH', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ModelBH_exponential', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/ModelBH_exponential.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Bs', 'unit': 'T', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'BH curve parameter'}, {'name': 'mu_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Saturation permeability parameter'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'Abstract class for BH curve model ', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ModelBH_Langevin', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/ModelBH_Langevin.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Bs', 'unit': 'T', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To enforc Saturation flux density'}, {'name': 'a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To enforce Saturation parameter a'}, {'name': 'param1', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1.89, 'desc': 'Init value for Bs for fitting algorithm'}, {'name': 'param2', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 240, 'desc': 'Init value for a for fitting algorithm'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_BH', 'BH_func'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'Abstract class for BH curve model ', 'mother': 'ModelBH', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ModelBH_linear_sat', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Material/ModelBH_linear_sat.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Bs', 'unit': 'T', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Saturation flux density'}, {'name': 'mu_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Linear permeability'}, {'name': 'param1', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1.89, 'desc': 'Init value for Bs for fitting algorithm'}, {'name': 'param2', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 240, 'desc': 'Init value for mu_a for fitting algorithm'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_BH', 'BH_func'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Material', 'desc': 'Abstract class for BH curve model ', 'mother': 'ModelBH', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'CellMat', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/CellMat.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'connectivity', 'unit': '', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'Matrix of connectivity for one element type'}, {'name': 'nb_cell', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Total number of elements'}, {'name': 'nb_node_per_cell', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Define the number of node per cell'}, {'name': 'indice', 'unit': '', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'Element indices'}, {'name': 'interpolation', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Interpolation', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Define FEA interpolation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['add_cell', 'get_connectivity', 'get_node2cell', 'is_exist'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Define the connectivity under matricial format containing one type of element (example: only triangles with 3 nodes). ', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Mesh', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Mesh.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'label', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Description of the mesh'}, {'name': 'dimension', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '3', 'value': 2, 'desc': 'Dimension of the physical problem'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['MeshMat', 'MeshVTK'], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Abstract Class for mesh related classes', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MeshMat', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/MeshMat.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'cell', 'unit': '', 'type': '{CellMat}', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Storing connectivity'}, {'name': 'node', 'unit': '', 'type': 'NodeMat', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Storing nodes'}, {'name': '_is_renum', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True if renumering the nodes and cells is useful when renum method is called (saving calculation time)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_node', 'get_node_indice', 'get_cell', 'get_mesh_pv', 'get_cell_area', 'get_vertice', 'get_node2cell', 'add_cell', 'renum', 'find_cell', 'interface', 'clear_node', 'clear_cell'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Gather the mesh storage format', 'mother': 'Mesh', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MeshSolution', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/MeshSolution.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'label', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': '(Optional) Descriptive name of the mesh'}, {'name': 'mesh', 'unit': '', 'type': '[Mesh]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'A list of Mesh objects. '}, {'name': 'is_same_mesh', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': '1 if the mesh is the same at each step (time, mode etc.)'}, {'name': 'solution', 'unit': '', 'type': '[Solution]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'A list of Solution objects'}, {'name': 'group', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Dict sorted by groups name with list of cells indices. '}, {'name': 'dimension', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '3', 'value': 2, 'desc': 'Dimension of the physical problem'}, {'name': 'path', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Path where the MeshSolution is stored as a file'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_mesh', 'get_solution', 'get_field', 'get_group', 'get_mesh_field_pv', 'plot_mesh', 'plot_contour', 'plot_deflection', 'plot_deflection_animated', 'plot_glyph', 'plot_glyph_animated', 'perm_coord'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Abstract class to associate a mesh with one or several solutions', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MeshVTK', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/MeshVTK.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'mesh', 'unit': '', 'type': 'vtk.vtkPointSet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Pyvista object of the mesh (optional)'}, {'name': 'is_pyvista_mesh', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'Store the pyvista object'}, {'name': 'format', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'vtk', 'desc': 'Format in which the mesh is stored'}, {'name': 'path', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Path where the mesh is stored'}, {'name': 'name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'mesh', 'desc': 'Name of the mesh file'}, {'name': 'surf', 'unit': '', 'type': 'pyvista.core.pointset.PolyData', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Pyvista object of the outer surface'}, {'name': 'is_vtk_surf', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'Save the surface mesh in a vtk file'}, {'name': 'surf_path', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path where the outer surface is stored'}, {'name': 'surf_name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the outer surface file'}, {'name': 'node_normals', 'unit': '', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Array of normals to nodes (cell vertices)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_mesh_pv', 'get_node', 'get_cell', 'get_normals', 'get_surf', 'get_cell_area', 'convert', 'as_dict', 'perm_coord', 'get_path'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Gather the mesh storage format', 'mother': 'Mesh', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'NodeMat', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/NodeMat.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'coordinate', 'unit': '', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'Nodes coordinates'}, {'name': 'nb_node', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Total number of nodes'}, {'name': 'delta', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1e-10, 'desc': 'Sensibility for node searching'}, {'name': 'indice', 'unit': '', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Nodes unique indices'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['add_node', 'get_coord', 'is_exist', 'get_indice'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Class to define nodes coordinates and getter.', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Solution', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Solution.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'type_cell', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'triangle', 'desc': 'Type of cell (Point, Segment2, Triangle3, etc.)'}, {'name': 'label', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Label to identify the solution'}, {'name': 'dimension', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '3', 'value': 2, 'desc': 'Dimension of the physical problem'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['Mode', 'SolutionData', 'SolutionMat', 'SolutionVector'], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Abstract class for solution related classes.', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SolutionData', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/SolutionData.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'field', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Data object containing the numerical values of a solution. One of the axis must be "Indices", a list of indices. If the solution is a vector, one of the axis must be "Direction", values [\'x\',\'y\'] for example.'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_field', 'get_axes_list', 'get_solution'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Define a Solution with SciDataTool objects.', 'mother': 'Solution', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SolutionMat', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/SolutionMat.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'field', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Matrix/Vector of the numerical values of the solutions.'}, {'name': 'indice', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Indices of loaded cells. Set to None if all cells are loaded'}, {'name': 'axis_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'List of axis names (e.g. "time", "direction")'}, {'name': 'axis_size', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'List of axis sizes'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_field', 'get_axes_list', 'get_solution'], 'daughters': ['Mode'], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Define a Solution with ndarray object.', 'mother': 'Solution', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SolutionVector', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/SolutionVector.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'field', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.VectorField.VectorField', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Data object containing the numerical values of a solution. One of the axis must be "Indices", a list of indices. If the solution is a vector, one of the axis must be "Direction", values [\'x\',\'y\'] for example.'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_field', 'get_axes_list', 'get_solution'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Define a Solution with SciDataTool objects.', 'mother': 'Solution', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'FPGNSeg', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/FPGNSeg.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'nb_gauss_point', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 4, 'desc': 'Nb of gauss point to be used'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_gauss_points'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Compute N gauss point for segment elements', 'mother': 'GaussPoint', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'FPGNTri', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/FPGNTri.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'nb_gauss_point', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 3, 'desc': 'Nb of gauss point to be used'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_gauss_points'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store gauss point for triangle elements', 'mother': 'GaussPoint', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'GaussPoint', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/GaussPoint.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['FPGNSeg', 'FPGNTri'], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store set of gauss points', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Interpolation', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/Interpolation.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'ref_cell', 'unit': '', 'type': 'RefCell', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': ''}, {'name': 'gauss_point', 'unit': '', 'type': 'GaussPoint', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': ''}, {'name': 'scalar_product', 'unit': '', 'type': 'ScalarProduct', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': ''}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store shape functions', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'RefCell', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/RefCell.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'epsilon', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0.00E+00', 'max': '', 'value': 0.05, 'desc': 'Precision criterion'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['interpolation'], 'daughters': ['RefLine3', 'RefQuad4', 'RefQuad9', 'RefSegmentP1', 'RefTriangle3', 'RefTriangle6'], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store shape functions definition in the reference element', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'RefLine3', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/RefLine3.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['shape_function', 'jacobian', 'grad_shape_function', 'get_real_point', 'get_ref_point', 'is_inside'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store line elements for 2D mesh', 'mother': 'RefCell', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'RefQuad4', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/RefQuad4.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['shape_function', 'jacobian', 'grad_shape_function', 'get_real_point', 'get_ref_point', 'is_inside'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store quadrangel elements for 2D mesh', 'mother': 'RefCell', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'RefQuad9', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/RefQuad9.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['shape_function', 'jacobian', 'grad_shape_function', 'get_real_point', 'get_ref_point', 'is_inside'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store quadrangel elements for 2D mesh', 'mother': 'RefCell', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'RefSegmentP1', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/RefSegmentP1.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['shape_function', 'jacobian', 'grad_shape_function', 'get_real_point', 'is_inside', 'get_ref_point', 'get_normal'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store segment elements for 2D mesh', 'mother': 'RefCell', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'RefTriangle3', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/RefTriangle3.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['shape_function', 'jacobian', 'grad_shape_function', 'get_real_point', 'get_ref_point', 'is_inside', 'get_cell_area', 'get_normal'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store triangle elements for 2D mesh', 'mother': 'RefCell', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'RefTriangle6', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/RefTriangle6.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['shape_function', 'jacobian', 'grad_shape_function', 'get_real_point', 'get_ref_point', 'is_inside'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store triangle elements for 2D mesh', 'mother': 'RefCell', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ScalarProduct', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/ScalarProduct.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['ScalarProductL2'], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store shape functions definition in the reference element', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ScalarProductL2', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Mesh/Interpolation/ScalarProductL2.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['scalar_product'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Mesh', 'desc': 'Store shape functions definition in the reference element', 'mother': 'ScalarProduct', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OptiConstraint', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Optimization/OptiConstraint.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'name of the design variable'}, {'name': 'type_const', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '<=', 'desc': 'Type of comparison ( "==", "<=", ">=", "<",">")'}, {'name': 'value', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Value to compare'}, {'name': 'get_variable', 'unit': '', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function to get the variable to compare'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Optimization', 'desc': 'Constraint of the optimization problem', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OptiDesignVar', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Optimization/OptiDesignVar.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'type_var', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'interval', 'desc': 'Type of the variable interval or set.'}, {'name': 'space', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [0, 1], 'desc': 'Space of the variable'}, {'name': 'get_value', 'unit': '', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function of the space to initiate the variable'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Optimization', 'desc': 'Optimization', 'mother': 'ParamExplorer', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OptiGenAlg', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Optimization/OptiGenAlg.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'selector', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Selector of the genetic algorithm'}, {'name': 'crossover', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Crossover of the genetic algorithm'}, {'name': 'mutator', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Mutator of the genetic algorithm'}, {'name': 'p_cross', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0.9, 'desc': 'Probability of crossover'}, {'name': 'p_mutate', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0.1, 'desc': 'Probability of mutation '}, {'name': 'size_pop', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 40, 'desc': 'Size of the population'}, {'name': 'nb_gen', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 100, 'desc': 'Number of generations'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap'], 'package': 'Optimization', 'desc': 'Genetic algorithm class', 'mother': 'OptiSolver', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Optimization/OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'toolbox', 'unit': '', 'type': 'deap.base.Toolbox', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'DEAP toolbox'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['solve', 'mutate', 'cross', 'create_toolbox', 'check_optimization_input', 'delete_toolbox'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Optimization', 'desc': 'Multi-objectives optimization problem with some constraints', 'mother': 'OptiGenAlg', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OptiObjective', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Optimization/OptiObjective.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Optimization', 'desc': 'Class to distinguish normal DataKeeper from optimization objectives ', 'mother': 'DataKeeper', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OptiProblem', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Optimization/OptiProblem.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'simu', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Simulation', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Default simulation'}, {'name': 'design_var', 'unit': '', 'type': '[OptiDesignVar]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of design variables'}, {'name': 'obj_func', 'unit': '', 'type': '[OptiObjective]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of objective functions'}, {'name': 'eval_func', 'unit': '', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function to evaluate before computing obj function and constraints'}, {'name': 'constraint', 'unit': '', 'type': '[OptiConstraint]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List containing the constraints '}, {'name': 'preprocessing', 'unit': '', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function to execute a preprocessing on the simulation right before it is run.'}, {'name': 'datakeeper_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[DataKeeper]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of DataKeepers to run on every output'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Optimization', 'desc': 'Multi-objectives optimization problem with some constraints', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OptiSolver', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Optimization/OptiSolver.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'problem', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OptiProblem', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Problem to solve'}, {'name': 'xoutput', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'XOutput', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Optimization results containing every output'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.OptiSolver', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'is_keep_all_output', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'Boolean to keep every output'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['OptiGenAlg', 'OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap'], 'package': 'Optimization', 'desc': 'Optimization solver class', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutElec', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutElec.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Time', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Electrical time Data object'}, {'name': 'Angle', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Electrical position Data object'}, {'name': 'Is', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Stator currents DataTime object'}, {'name': 'Ir', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Rotor currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase)'}, {'name': 'angle_rotor', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Rotor angular position as a function of time (if None computed according to Nr)'}, {'name': 'N0', 'unit': 'rpm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Rotor speed'}, {'name': 'angle_rotor_initial', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Initial angular position of the rotor at t=0'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Electrical', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'Tem_av_ref', 'unit': 'N.m', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Theorical Average Electromagnetic torque'}, {'name': 'Id_ref', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Electrical time vector (no symmetry)'}, {'name': 'Iq_ref', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'q-axis current magnitude'}, {'name': 'felec', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Electrical Frequency'}, {'name': 'Ud_ref', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'd-axis voltage magnitude'}, {'name': 'Uq_ref', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'q-axis voltage magnitude'}, {'name': 'Pj_losses', 'unit': 'W', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Electrical Joule losses'}, {'name': 'Pem_av_ref', 'unit': 'W', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Average Electromagnetic power'}, {'name': 'Us', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Stator voltage as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase)'}, {'name': 'internal', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutInternal', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'OutInternal object containg outputs related to a specific model'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_Nr', 'get_Is', 'get_Us', 'comp_I_mag'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the electric module outputs', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutForce', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutForce.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Time', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Force time Data object'}, {'name': 'Angle', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Force position Data object'}, {'name': 'AGSF', 'unit': 'N.m^2', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.VectorField.VectorField', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Air Gap Surface Force (mainly computed with Maxwell stress tensor)'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Force', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'Rag', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Radius value for air-gap computation'}, {'name': 'meshsolution', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'MeshSolution', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Force computed on a mesh'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['store'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the structural module outputs', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutGeo', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutGeo.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'stator', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutGeoLam', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Geometry output of the stator'}, {'name': 'rotor', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutGeoLam', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Geometry output of the rotor'}, {'name': 'Wgap_mec', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'mechanical airgap width (minimal distance between the lamination including magnet)'}, {'name': 'Wgap_mag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'the magnetic airgap width (distance beetween the two Laminations bore radius)'}, {'name': 'Rgap_mec', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'radius of the center of the mecanical airgap'}, {'name': 'Lgap', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Airgap active length'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.OutGeo', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'angle_offset_initial', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Difference between the d axis angle of the stator and the rotor'}, {'name': 'rot_dir', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '-1', 'max': '1', 'value': None, 'desc': 'rotation direction of the magnetic field fundamental !! WARNING: rot_dir = -1 to have positive rotor rotating direction, i.e. rotor position moves towards positive angle'}, {'name': 'per_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Number of spatial periodicities of the machine'}, {'name': 'is_antiper_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'True if an spatial anti-periodicity is possible after the periodicities'}, {'name': 'per_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Number of time periodicities of the machine'}, {'name': 'is_antiper_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'True if an time anti-periodicity is possible after the periodicities'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the geometrical and the global outputs', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutGeoLam', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutGeoLam.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name_phase', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Name of the phases of the winding (if any)'}, {'name': 'BH_curve', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'B(H) curve (two columns matrix, H and B(H))'}, {'name': 'Ksfill', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Slot fill factor'}, {'name': 'S_slot', 'unit': 'm^2', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Slot surface'}, {'name': 'S_slot_wind', 'unit': 'm^2', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Slot winding surface'}, {'name': 'S_wind_act', 'unit': 'm^2', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Conductor active surface'}, {'name': 'per_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Number of spatial periodicities of the lamination'}, {'name': 'is_antiper_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'True if an spatial anti-periodicity is possible after the periodicities'}, {'name': 'per_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Number of time periodicities of the lamination'}, {'name': 'is_antiper_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'True if an time anti-periodicity is possible after the periodicities'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the geometrical and the global outputs of a lamination', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutInternal', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutInternal.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['OutMagElmer', 'OutMagFEMM'], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Abstract class whose childs enable to store outputs related to a specific model', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutLoss', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutLoss.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'loss_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Internal list of loss data'}, {'name': 'meshsol_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[MeshSolution]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Internal list of loss meshsolutions'}, {'name': 'loss_index', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Internal dict to index losses'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Loss', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_loss', 'get_loss_dist'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the loss module outputs', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutMag', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutMag.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Time', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Magnetic time Data object'}, {'name': 'Angle', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Magnetic position Data object'}, {'name': 'B', 'unit': 'H', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.VectorField.VectorField', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Airgap flux density VectorField object'}, {'name': 'Tem', 'unit': 'N.m', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Electromagnetic torque DataTime object'}, {'name': 'Tem_av', 'unit': 'N.m', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Average Electromagnetic torque'}, {'name': 'Tem_rip_norm', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Peak to Peak Torque ripple normalized according to average torque (None if average torque=0)'}, {'name': 'Tem_rip_pp', 'unit': 'N.m', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Peak to Peak Torque ripple'}, {'name': 'Phi_wind_stator', 'unit': 'Wb', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataTime.DataTime', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Stator winding flux DataTime object'}, {'name': 'Phi_wind', 'unit': 'Wb', 'type': '{SciDataTool.Classes.DataTime.DataTime}', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Dict of lamination winding fluxlinkage DataTime objects'}, {'name': 'emf', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataTime.DataTime', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Electromotive force DataTime object'}, {'name': 'meshsolution', 'unit': '', 'type': 'MeshSolution', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'FEA software mesh and solution'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Magnetics', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'internal', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutInternal', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'OutInternal object containg outputs related to a specific model'}, {'name': 'Rag', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Radius value for air-gap computation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['store', 'clean', 'comp_emf', 'get_demag'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the magnetic module outputs', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutMagElmer', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutMagElmer.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'FEA_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Dictionnary containing the main FEA parameters'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['clean'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Class to store outputs related to MagElmer magnetic model', 'mother': 'OutInternal', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutMagFEMM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutMagFEMM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'FEMM_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Dictionnary containing the main FEMM parameters'}, {'name': 'handler_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[_FEMMHandler]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of FEMM Handler (more than 1 if nb_worker >1)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['clean'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Class to store outputs related to MagFEMM magnetic model', 'mother': 'OutInternal', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutPost', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutPost.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'legend_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name to use in the legend in case of comparison'}, {'name': 'line_color', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Color to use in case of comparison'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the parameters for the post-processings', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Output', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/Output.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'simu', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Simulation', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Simulation object that generated the Output'}, {'name': 'path_result', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path to the folder to same the results'}, {'name': 'geo', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutGeo', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Geometry output'}, {'name': 'elec', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutElec', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Electrical module output'}, {'name': 'mag', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutMag', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Magnetic module output'}, {'name': 'struct', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutStruct', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Structural module output'}, {'name': 'post', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutPost', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Post-Processing settings'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Output', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'force', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutForce', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Force module output'}, {'name': 'loss', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'OutLoss', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Loss module output'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['getter.get_angle_offset_initial', 'getter.get_angle_rotor', 'getter.get_BH_rotor', 'getter.get_BH_stator', 'getter.get_path_result', 'getter.get_machine_periodicity', 'getter.get_rot_dir', 'getter.get_fund_harm', 'getter.get_data_from_str', 'print_memory'], 'daughters': ['XOutput'], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Main Output object: gather all the outputs of all the modules', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'OutStruct', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/OutStruct.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Time', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Structural time Data object'}, {'name': 'Angle', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.Data', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Structural position Data object'}, {'name': 'Nt_tot', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Length of the time vector'}, {'name': 'Na_tot', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Length of the angle vector'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Structural', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'Yr', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Displacement output'}, {'name': 'Vr', 'unit': 'm/s', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Velocity output'}, {'name': 'Ar', 'unit': 'm/s^2', 'type': 'SciDataTool.Classes.DataND.DataND', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Acceleration output'}, {'name': 'meshsolution', 'unit': '', 'type': 'MeshSolution', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'FEA software mesh and solution'}, {'name': 'FEA_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Dictionnary containing the main FEA parameter'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'Gather the structural module outputs', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'XOutput', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Output/XOutput.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'paramexplorer_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[ParamExplorer]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List containing ParamExplorer'}, {'name': 'output_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Output]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List containing Output (or Xoutput) for each simulation'}, {'name': 'xoutput_dict', 'unit': '-', 'type': '{DataKeeper}', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Dictionnary containing DataKeeper'}, {'name': 'nb_simu', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Number of simulations excluding reference simulation'}, {'name': 'xoutput_ref', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Output', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Xoutput (or Output) of the reference simulation (only if is_keep_all_output is True and not included in output_list)'}, {'name': 'xoutput_ref_index', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Index of the Xoutput (or Output) of the reference simulation in the output_list (only if is_keep_all_output is True)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['__delitem__', '__getitem__', '__iter__', '__len__', '__missing__', '__next__', '__reversed__', '__setitem__', 'append', 'count', 'get_param_simu', 'get_paramexplorer', 'get_pareto_index', 'get_simu', 'get_symbol_list', 'get_xoutput_ref', 'insert', 'items', 'keys', 'plot_generation', 'plot_multi', 'plot_pareto', 'pop', 'print_memory', 'remove'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Output', 'desc': 'XOutput object: gather all the outputs of all the modules for multiple simulations', 'mother': 'Output', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Post', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Post/Post.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['PostFunction', 'PostMethod', 'PostPlot'], 'package': 'Post', 'desc': 'Abstract class for postprocessing', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'PostFunction', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Post/PostFunction.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'run', 'unit': '', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Post-processing that takes an output in argument'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Post', 'desc': 'Post-processing from a user-defined function', 'mother': 'Post', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'PostMethod', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Post/PostMethod.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run'], 'daughters': ['PostPlot'], 'package': 'Post', 'desc': 'Abstract class for post-processing defined in the method run', 'mother': 'Post', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'PostPlot', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Post/PostPlot.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'method', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Name of the plot method to call (e.g. plot_2D_Data, plot_contour, plot_multi)'}, {'name': 'name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '[]', 'desc': 'Name of the plot to use when saving the figure after plotting'}, {'name': 'param_list', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'Dictionnary of parameters to pass to the plot method when executing it'}, {'name': 'param_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Dictionnary of parameters to pass to the plot method when executing it'}, {'name': 'save_format', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'png', 'desc': 'File format extension ("png", "svg", "eps") in which to save the figure. The PostPlot automatically saves the figure in the results folder. The user can specify a different folder by specifying "save_path"=path_str or not save the figure by specifying "save_path"=None in param_dict, if the plot_method enables it.'}, {'name': 'quantity', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Full path to the quantity to which apply the plot_method except Output (e.g. mag.B, elec.get_Is, mag.meshsolution)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Post', 'desc': 'Post-processing to do a plot which is a method of Output or other class if attribute is not None', 'mother': 'PostMethod', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'DataKeeper', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/DataKeeper.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Data name'}, {'name': 'symbol', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Data symbol'}, {'name': 'unit', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Data unit'}, {'name': 'keeper', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function that takes an Output in argument and return a value'}, {'name': 'error_keeper', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function that takes a Simulation in argument and returns a value, this attribute enables to handle errors and to put NaN values in the result matrices'}, {'name': 'result', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List containing datakeeper results for each simulation'}, {'name': 'result_ref', 'unit': '-', 'type': '', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Result for the reference simulation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['as_dict', '_set_result'], 'daughters': ['OptiObjective'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Class for defining data to keep on a multi-simulation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Drive', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Drive.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Umax', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 800, 'desc': 'Maximum RMS voltage of the Drive'}, {'name': 'Imax', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 800, 'desc': 'Maximum RMS current of the Drive'}, {'name': 'is_current', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True to generate current waveform, False for voltage'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['DriveWave'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Abstract Drive class', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'DriveWave', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/DriveWave.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'wave', 'unit': '', 'type': 'Import', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Wave generator'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_wave'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Drive to generate a wave according to an Import object', 'mother': 'Drive', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'DXFImport', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/DXFImport.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'file_path', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Path to the DXF file to import'}, {'name': 'surf_dict', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Dictionnary to assign the surfaces: key=complex reference point coordinate, value=label of the surface'}, {'name': 'BC_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of tuple to apply boundary conditions (complex reference point coordinate, is_arc, label of the BC to apply)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_surfaces'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Use a DXF to define a lamination', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'EEC', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/EEC.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['EEC_PMSM', 'EEC_SCIM'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module: Equivalent Electrical Circuit abstract class', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'EEC_PMSM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/EEC_PMSM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'indmag', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'IndMag', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Magnetic inductance'}, {'name': 'fluxlink', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'FluxLink', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Flux Linkage'}, {'name': 'parameters', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Parameters of the EEC: computed if empty, or enforced'}, {'name': 'freq0', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Frequency'}, {'name': 'drive', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Drive', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Drive'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_parameters', 'solve_EEC', 'gen_drive', 'comp_joule_losses'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module: Electrical Equivalent Circuit', 'mother': 'EEC', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'EEC_SCIM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/EEC_SCIM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'I', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'RMS current for parameter estimation'}, {'name': 'parameters', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Parameters of the EEC: computed if empty, or enforced'}, {'name': 'is_periodicity_a', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'True to compute only on one angle periodicity (use periodicities defined in output.mag.Angle)'}, {'name': 'nb_worker', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To run FEMM in parallel (the parallelization is on the time loop)'}, {'name': 'N0', 'unit': 'rpm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Rotor speed'}, {'name': 'felec', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'electrical frequency'}, {'name': 'Nt_tot', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 32, 'desc': 'Time discretization'}, {'name': 'Nrev', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Number of rotor revolution (to compute the final time)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_parameters', 'solve_EEC', 'gen_drive', 'comp_joule_losses'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module: Electrical Equivalent Circuit for Squirrel Cage Induction Machine', 'mother': 'EEC', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Electrical', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Electrical.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'eec', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'EEC', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Electrical Equivalent Circuit'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Electrical', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'comp_power', 'comp_torque'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module object for electrical equivalent circuit simulation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'FluxLink', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/FluxLink.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['FluxLinkFEMM'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module: Flux Linkage', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'FluxLinkFEMM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/FluxLinkFEMM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'FEMM_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'To enforce user-defined values for FEMM main parameters '}, {'name': 'type_calc_leakage', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0 no leakage calculation / 1 calculation using single slot '}, {'name': 'is_sliding_band', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': '0 to desactivate the sliding band'}, {'name': 'is_periodicity_a', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True to take into account the spatial periodicity of the machine'}, {'name': 'Nt_tot', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 5, 'desc': 'Number of time steps for the FEMM simulation'}, {'name': 'Kgeo_fineness', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0.5, 'desc': 'global coefficient to adjust geometry fineness in FEMM (0.5 : default , > 1 : finner , < 1 : less fine)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_fluxlinkage', 'solve_FEMM'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module: Flux Linkage with FEMM', 'mother': 'FluxLink', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Force', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Force.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'is_periodicity_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'True to compute only on one time periodicity (use periodicities defined in output.force.Time). If None, automatically calculated based on Magnetics periodicities.'}, {'name': 'is_periodicity_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'True to compute only on one angle periodicity (use periodicities defined in output.force.Angle). If None, automatically calculated based on Magnetics periodicities.'}, {'name': 'is_agsf_transfer', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True to compute the AGSF transfer from air-gap to stator bore radius.'}, {'name': 'max_wavenumber_transfer', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Maximum value to apply agsf transfer (to be used with FEA to avoid numerical noise amplification)'}, {'name': 'Rsbo_enforced_transfer', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To enforce the value of the radius for AGSF transfer'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Force', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'comp_axes', 'comp_AGSF_transfer'], 'daughters': ['ForceMT', 'ForceTensor'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Forces module abstract object', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ForceMT', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/ForceMT.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_force', 'comp_force_nodal'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Force Maxwell tensor model for radial flux machines', 'mother': 'Force', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ForceTensor', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/ForceTensor.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'group', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'stator core', 'desc': 'Name of the group selected for magnetic force computation. If None, all the domain is selected.'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_force', 'comp_force_nodal', 'comp_magnetrosctrictive_tensor', 'element_loop'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Force various tensors (Maxwell, magnetostrictive) model for radial flux machines', 'mother': 'Force', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'IndMag', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/IndMag.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['IndMagFEMM'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module: Magnetic Inductance', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'IndMagFEMM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/IndMagFEMM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'FEMM_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'To enforce user-defined values for FEMM main parameters '}, {'name': 'type_calc_leakage', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0 no leakage calculation / 1 calculation using single slot '}, {'name': 'is_sliding_band', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': '0 to desactivate the sliding band'}, {'name': 'is_periodicity_a', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True to take into account the spatial periodicity of the machine'}, {'name': 'Nt_tot', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 5, 'desc': 'Number of time steps for the FEMM simulation'}, {'name': 'Kgeo_fineness', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0.5, 'desc': 'global coefficient to adjust geometry fineness in FEMM (0.5 : default , > 1 : finner , < 1 : less fine)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_inductance', 'solve_FEMM'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Electric module: Magnetic Inductance with FEMM', 'mother': 'IndMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Input', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Input.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'time', 'unit': 's', 'type': 'ImportMatrix', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import'}, {'name': 'angle', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'ImportMatrix', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import'}, {'name': 'Nt_tot', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 2048, 'desc': 'Time discretization'}, {'name': 'Nrev', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Number of rotor revolution (to compute the final time)'}, {'name': 'Na_tot', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '1', 'max': '', 'value': 2048, 'desc': 'Angular discretization'}, {'name': 'N0', 'unit': 'rpm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Rotor speed'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['gen_input', 'comp_axes', 'comp_felec'], 'daughters': ['InputCurrent', 'InputElec', 'InputFlux', 'InputForce'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Starting data of the simulation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'InputCurrent', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/InputCurrent.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Is', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'ImportMatrix', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Stator currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import'}, {'name': 'Ir', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'ImportMatrix', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Rotor currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import'}, {'name': 'angle_rotor', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'Import', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Rotor angular position as a function of time (if None computed according to Nr) to import'}, {'name': 'rot_dir', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '-1', 'max': '1', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Rotation direction of the rotor 1 trigo, -1 clockwise'}, {'name': 'angle_rotor_initial', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Initial angular position of the rotor at t=0'}, {'name': 'Tem_av_ref', 'unit': 'N.m', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Theorical Average Electromagnetic torque'}, {'name': 'Id_ref', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'd-axis current RMS magnitude'}, {'name': 'Iq_ref', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'q-axis current RMS magnitude'}, {'name': 'felec', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'electrical frequency'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['gen_input', 'set_Id_Iq', 'set_OP_from_array'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Input to skip the electrical module and start with the magnetic one', 'mother': 'Input', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'InputElec', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/InputElec.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'rot_dir', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '-1', 'max': '1', 'value': -1, 'desc': 'Rotation direction of the rotor 1 trigo, -1 clockwise'}, {'name': 'Id_ref', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'd-axis current magnitude'}, {'name': 'Iq_ref', 'unit': 'A', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'q-axis current magnitude'}, {'name': 'Ud_ref', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'd-axis voltage magnitude'}, {'name': 'Uq_ref', 'unit': 'V', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'q-axis voltage magnitude'}, {'name': 'felec', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'electrical frequency'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['gen_input', 'comp_felec', 'set_Id_Iq'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Input to skip the electrical module and start with the magnetic one', 'mother': 'Input', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'InputFlux', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/InputFlux.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'per_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Angle periodicity'}, {'name': 'per_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Time periodicity'}, {'name': 'is_antiper_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'If angle is antiperiodic'}, {'name': 'is_antiper_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'If time is antiperiodic'}, {'name': 'B_dict', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Dict of Import objects or lists for each component of the flux'}, {'name': 'unit', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Unit of the flux if not T'}, {'name': 'OP', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Input', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'InputCurrent to define Operating Point (not mandatory)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['gen_input', 'comp_felec', 'comp_axes'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Input to skip the magnetic module and start with the structural one', 'mother': 'Input', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'InputForce', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/InputForce.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'P', 'unit': 'N.m^2', 'type': 'ImportVectorField', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Magnetic air-gap surface force'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['gen_input'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Input to start with the structural one ', 'mother': 'Input', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Loss', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Loss.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'model_index', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': {}, 'desc': 'Internal dict to strore model index'}, {'name': 'model_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[LossModel]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Internal list of loss models'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Loss', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'add_model', 'remove_model'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Losses module object that containt the loss models. See method add_model for implementation details.', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LossModel', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/LossModel.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the loss simulation (has to be unique)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['LossModelBertotti', 'LossModelWinding'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Abstract Loss Model Class', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LossModelBertotti', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/LossModelBertotti.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'k_hy', 'unit': 'W/kg', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Hysteresis loss coefficient'}, {'name': 'k_ed', 'unit': 'W/kg', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Eddy current loss coefficient'}, {'name': 'k_ex', 'unit': 'W/kg', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Excess loss coefficient'}, {'name': 'alpha_hy', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Hysteresis loss power coefficient'}, {'name': 'alpha_ed', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Eddy current loss power coefficient'}, {'name': 'alpha_ex', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Excess loss power coefficient'}, {'name': 'group', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'core', 'desc': 'String to override default FEA group to apply model'}, {'name': 'get_meshsolution', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'Store the loss density'}, {'name': 'N0', 'unit': 'rpm', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of rotor speeds to override actual speed'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'F_REF', 'value': '50'}, {'name': 'B_REF', 'value': '1.5'}], 'methods': ['comp_loss', 'comp_coeff_Bertotti', 'comp_loss_density'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Bertotti Loss Model Class', 'mother': 'LossModel', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'LossModelWinding', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/LossModelWinding.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'temperature', 'unit': '°C', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 20, 'desc': 'Winding temperature'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_loss'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Winding loss model', 'mother': 'LossModel', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MagElmer', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/MagElmer.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Kmesh_fineness', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'global coefficient to adjust mesh fineness (1 : default , > 1 : finner , < 1 : less fine)'}, {'name': 'Kgeo_fineness', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'global coefficient to adjust geometry fineness (1 : default , > 1 : finner , < 1 : less fine)'}, {'name': 'file_name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the file to save the Elmer model'}, {'name': 'FEA_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'To enforce user-defined values for Elmer main parameters '}, {'name': 'is_get_mesh', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'To save FEA mesh for latter post-procesing '}, {'name': 'is_save_FEA', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'To save FEA mesh and solution in a file'}, {'name': 'transform_list', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of dictionnary to apply transformation on the machine surfaces. Key: label (to select the surface), type (rotate or translate), value (alpha or delta)'}, {'name': 'rotor_dxf', 'unit': '', 'type': 'DXFImport', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To use a dxf version of the rotor instead of build_geometry'}, {'name': 'stator_dxf', 'unit': '', 'type': 'DXFImport', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To use a dxf version of the rotor instead of build_geometry'}, {'name': 'import_file', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'To import an existing simulation file'}, {'name': 'nb_worker', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'To run Elmer in parallel (the parallelization is on the time loop)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_flux_airgap', 'solve_FEA', 'get_meshsolution', 'get_path_save_fea', 'get_path_save', 'comp_axes', 'gen_elmer_mesh'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Magnetic module: Finite Element model with Elmer', 'mother': 'Magnetics', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'MagFEMM', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/MagFEMM.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Kmesh_fineness', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'global coefficient to adjust mesh fineness in FEMM (1 : default , > 1 : finner , < 1 : less fine)'}, {'name': 'Kgeo_fineness', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'global coefficient to adjust geometry fineness in FEMM (1 : default , > 1 : finner , < 1 : less fine)'}, {'name': 'type_calc_leakage', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0 no leakage calculation / 1 calculation using single slot '}, {'name': 'file_name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the file to save the FEMM model'}, {'name': 'FEMM_dict_enforced', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'To enforce user-defined values for FEMM main parameters '}, {'name': 'is_get_meshsolution', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'To save FEA and mesh for latter post-procesing '}, {'name': 'is_save_meshsolution_as_file', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'To save FEA and mesh as h5 files to save memory'}, {'name': 'is_sliding_band', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': '0 to desactivate the sliding band'}, {'name': 'transform_list', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of dictionnary to apply transformation on the machine surfaces. Key: label (to select the surface), type (rotate or translate), value (alpha or delta)'}, {'name': 'rotor_dxf', 'unit': '', 'type': 'DXFImport', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To use a dxf version of the rotor instead of build_geometry'}, {'name': 'stator_dxf', 'unit': '', 'type': 'DXFImport', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To use a dxf version of the rotor instead of build_geometry'}, {'name': 'import_file', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'To import an existing femm file'}, {'name': 'is_close_femm', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'To close femm automatically after the simulation'}, {'name': 'nb_worker', 'unit': '', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'To run FEMM in parallel (the parallelization is on the time loop)'}, {'name': 'Rag_enforced', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'To enforce a different radius value for air-gap outputs'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_flux_airgap', 'get_path_save', 'solve_FEMM', 'get_meshsolution', 'get_path_save_fem', 'solve_FEMM_parallel'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Magnetic module: Finite Element model with FEMM', 'mother': 'Magnetics', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Magnetics', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Magnetics.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'is_remove_slotS', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '1 to artificially remove stator slotting effects in permeance mmf calculations'}, {'name': 'is_remove_slotR', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '1 to artificially remove rotor slotting effects in permeance mmf calculations'}, {'name': 'is_remove_vent', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': '1 to artificially remove the ventilations duct'}, {'name': 'is_mmfs', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': '1 to compute the stator magnetomotive force / stator armature magnetic field'}, {'name': 'is_mmfr', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': '1 to compute the rotor magnetomotive force / rotor magnetic field'}, {'name': 'type_BH_stator', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '2', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0 to use the B(H) curve, 1 to use linear B(H) curve according to mur_lin, 2 to enforce infinite permeability (mur_lin =100000)'}, {'name': 'type_BH_rotor', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '2', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0 to use the B(H) curve, 1 to use linear B(H) curve according to mur_lin, 2 to enforce infinite permeability (mur_lin =100000)'}, {'name': 'is_periodicity_t', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True to compute only on one time periodicity (use periodicities defined in output.mag.Time)'}, {'name': 'is_periodicity_a', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True to compute only on one angle periodicity (use periodicities defined in output.mag.Angle)'}, {'name': 'angle_stator_shift', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Shift angle to appy to the stator in magnetic model'}, {'name': 'angle_rotor_shift', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Shift angle to appy to the rotor in magnetic model'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Magnetics', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'comp_axes'], 'daughters': ['MagElmer', 'MagFEMM'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Magnetic module abstract object', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Mode', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Mode.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'nat_freq', 'unit': 'Hz', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Natural frequency of the mode'}, {'name': 'order_circ', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Circumferential order'}, {'name': 'order_long', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Longitudinal order'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['plot', 'plot_animated', 'get_shape_xyz', 'get_shape_pol'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Structural module: Mode object', 'mother': 'SolutionMat', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ParamExplorer', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/ParamExplorer.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Parameter name'}, {'name': 'symbol', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Parameter symbol'}, {'name': 'unit', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Parameter unit'}, {'name': 'setter', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function that takes a Simulation and a value in argument and modifiers the simulation'}, {'name': 'getter', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'function', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Function to return the reference value (simulation as argument)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_set_setter', '_set_getter', 'get_desc'], 'daughters': ['OptiDesignVar', 'ParamExplorerInterval', 'ParamExplorerSet'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Abstract class for the multi-simulation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ParamExplorerInterval', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/ParamExplorerInterval.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'min_value', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Minumum value of the interval'}, {'name': 'max_value', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Maximum value of the interval'}, {'name': 'N', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '2', 'max': '', 'value': 4, 'desc': 'Number of value to take in the interval'}, {'name': 'type_value_gen', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'How to generate the value list. 0: linspace, 1: random (Not available yet)'}, {'name': 'type_value', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Type of the value: 0:float, 1:int'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_value', 'get_min', 'get_max', 'get_N'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Define a set of value (for parameter sweep) on interval', 'mother': 'ParamExplorer', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'ParamExplorerSet', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/ParamExplorerSet.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'value', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List containing the different parameter values to explore'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_value', 'as_dict', 'get_min', 'get_max', 'get_N', '_set_value'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Define a parameter set (for parameter sweep) from a list', 'mother': 'ParamExplorer', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Simu1', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Simu1.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'elec', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Electrical', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Electrical module'}, {'name': 'mag', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnetics', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Magnetic module'}, {'name': 'struct', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Structural', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Structural module'}, {'name': 'force', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Force', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Force moduale'}, {'name': 'loss', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Loss', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Loss moduale'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run_single'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Five sequential weak coupling multi physics simulation', 'mother': 'Simulation', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Simulation', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Simulation.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the simulation'}, {'name': 'desc', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Simulation description'}, {'name': 'machine', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Machine', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Machine to simulate'}, {'name': 'input', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Input', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Input of the simulation'}, {'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Simulation', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}, {'name': 'var_simu', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'VarSimu', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Multi-simulation definition'}, {'name': 'postproc_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Post]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of postprocessings to run on Output after the simulation'}, {'name': 'index', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Index of the simulation (if part of a multi-simulation)'}, {'name': 'path_result', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'None', 'desc': 'Path to the Result folder to use (None to use default one)'}, {'name': 'layer', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Layer of the simulation in a multi-simulation (0 is top simulation)'}, {'name': 'layer_log_warn', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Enable to set the log console_handler to warning starting from a particular layer. layer_log_warn=2 => layer 0 and 1 info, layer 2 warning'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'init_logger'], 'daughters': ['Simu1'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Abstract class for the simulation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'StructElmer', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/StructElmer.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Kmesh_fineness', 'unit': '', 'type': 'float', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'global coefficient to adjust mesh fineness in FEMM (1 : default , > 1 : finner , < 1 : less fine)'}, {'name': 'path_name', 'unit': '', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the path to save the FEA model'}, {'name': 'FEA_dict_enforced', 'unit': '', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'To enforce user-defined values for FEA main parameters '}, {'name': 'is_get_mesh', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'To save FEA mesh for latter post-procesing (only possible with is_save_FEA set to True)'}, {'name': 'is_save_FEA', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'To save FEA mesh and solution in .vtu file'}, {'name': 'transform_list', 'unit': '', 'type': 'list', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': [], 'desc': 'List of dictionnary to apply transformation on the machine surfaces. Key: label (to select the surface), type (rotate or translate), value (alpha or delta)'}, {'name': 'include_magnets', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Switch to include magents in the structural simulation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'get_meshsolution', 'get_path_save_fea', 'solve_FEA', 'gen_mesh', 'gen_case', 'process_mesh'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Structural module: FEA model with Elmer', 'mother': 'Structural', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Structural', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/Structural.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'logger_name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 'Pyleecan.Structural', 'desc': 'Name of the logger to use'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'comp_axes'], 'daughters': ['StructElmer'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Structural module abstract object', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'VarLoad', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/VarLoad.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"Variable Load"'}], 'methods': [], 'daughters': ['VarLoadCurrent'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Abstract class to generate multi-simulation by changing the operating point', 'mother': 'VarSimu', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'VarLoadCurrent', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/VarLoadCurrent.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'OP_matrix', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'ndarray', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Operating point matrix (N0,I0,Phi0,T,P) or (N0,Id,Iq,T,P) '}, {'name': 'type_OP_matrix', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Select which kind of OP_matrix is used 0: (N0,I0,Phi0,T,P), 1:(N0,Id,Iq,T,P) '}, {'name': 'is_torque', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'True if the Torque is defined in OP_matrix'}, {'name': 'is_power', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'True if the Power is defined in OP_matrix'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['get_input_list', 'generate_simulation_list', 'check_param', 'get_elec_datakeeper'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Generate a multisimulation with InputCurrent at variable operating point', 'mother': 'VarLoad', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'VarParam', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/VarParam.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'paramexplorer_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[ParamExplorer]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List containing ParamSetter to define every simulation'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'NAME', 'value': '"Parameter Sweep"'}], 'methods': ['check_param', 'generate_simulation_list', 'get_simu_number'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Handle multisimulation by varying parameters', 'mother': 'VarSimu', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'VarSimu', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Simulation/VarSimu.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'name', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Name of the multi-simulation'}, {'name': 'desc', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'str', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Multi-simulation description'}, {'name': 'datakeeper_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[DataKeeper]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List containing DataKeepers to extract VarSimu results '}, {'name': 'is_keep_all_output', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'True to store every output in a list'}, {'name': 'stop_if_error', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': False, 'desc': 'Stop the multi-simulation if a simulation fails '}, {'name': 'var_simu', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'VarSimu', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Multi-simulation of a Multi-simulation definition'}, {'name': 'nb_simu', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Number of simulations'}, {'name': 'is_reuse_femm_file', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'True to reuse the femm file for each simulation (draw the machine only once, MagFEMM only)'}, {'name': 'postproc_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Post]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of post-processing to run on XOutput after the multisimulation'}, {'name': 'pre_keeper_postproc_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Post]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'If not None, replace the reference simulation postproc_list in each generated simulation (run before datakeeper)'}, {'name': 'post_keeper_postproc_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Post]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'List of post-processing to run on output after each simulation (except reference one) after the datakeeper.'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['run', 'set_reused_data', 'check_param', 'generate_simulation_list', 'gen_datakeeper_list', 'get_elec_datakeeper', 'get_mag_datakeeper', 'get_force_datakeeper'], 'daughters': ['VarLoad', 'VarLoadCurrent', 'VarParam'], 'package': 'Simulation', 'desc': 'Abstract class for the multi-simulation', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Hole', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/Hole.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Zh', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1000', 'value': 36, 'desc': 'Number of Hole around the circumference'}, {'name': 'mat_void', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Material', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Material of the void part of the hole (Air in general)'}, {'name': 'magnetization_dict_offset', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'dict', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Dictionary add an offset to the magnetization direction of the magnets (key=magnet_X, value=angle[rad])'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_height', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface', 'convert_to_UD', 'get_is_stator', 'get_magnet_by_id', 'get_magnet_dict', 'get_Rbo', 'get_Rext', 'has_magnet', 'plot', 'set_magnet_by_id'], 'daughters': ['HoleM50', 'HoleM51', 'HoleM52', 'HoleM53', 'HoleM54', 'HoleM57', 'HoleM58', 'HoleMag', 'HoleUD', 'VentilationCirc', 'VentilationPolar', 'VentilationTrap'], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Holes for lamination (abstract)', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleM50', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleM50.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot depth'}, {'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot opening'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Distance from the lamination Bore'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Tooth width (at V bottom)'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Additional depth for the magnet'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Distance Magnet to bottom of the V'}, {'name': 'H3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Tooth width (at V top)'}, {'name': 'H4', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Slot top height'}, {'name': 'W4', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Magnet Width'}, {'name': 'magnet_0', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'First Magnet'}, {'name': 'magnet_1', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Second Magnet'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_alpha', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface_magnet_id', 'comp_W5', 'has_magnet', 'plot_schematics', 'remove_magnet'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'V shape slot for buried magnet', 'mother': 'HoleMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleM51', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleM51.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Hole depth'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Distance from the lamination Bore'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Hole width'}, {'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Hole bottom width'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Hole angular width'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'magnet_1 position'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'magnet_1 width'}, {'name': 'W4', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'magnet_2 position'}, {'name': 'W5', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'magnet_2 width'}, {'name': 'W6', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'magnet_0 position'}, {'name': 'W7', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'magnet_0 width'}, {'name': 'magnet_0', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'First Magnet'}, {'name': 'magnet_1', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Second Magnet'}, {'name': 'magnet_2', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Third Magnet'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_alpha', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface_magnet_id', 'comp_width', 'has_magnet', 'plot_schematics', 'remove_magnet'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '3 magnets V hole', 'mother': 'HoleMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleM52', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleM52.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot depth'}, {'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Magnet width'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Magnet height'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Tooth width'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Additional depth for the magnet'}, {'name': 'magnet_0', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Magnet of the hole'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_alpha', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_magnet_id', 'comp_W1', 'has_magnet', 'plot_schematics', 'remove_magnet'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'V shape slot for buried magnet', 'mother': 'HoleMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleM53', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleM53.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot depth'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Distance from the lamination Bore'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Tooth width (at V bottom)'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Distance Magnet to bottom of the V'}, {'name': 'H3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Additional depth for the magnet'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Magnet Width'}, {'name': 'W4', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Slot angle'}, {'name': 'magnet_0', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'First Magnet'}, {'name': 'magnet_1', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Second Magnet'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_alpha', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface_magnet_id', 'comp_W5', 'has_magnet', 'plot_schematics', 'remove_magnet'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'V shape slot for buried magnet', 'mother': 'HoleMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleM54', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleM54.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Hole depth'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Hole width'}, {'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Hole angular width'}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Hole radius'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Arc Hole for SyRM', 'mother': 'Hole', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleM57', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleM57.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '3.15', 'value': 0.2, 'desc': 'V angle'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Distance from the lamination Bore'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Tooth width (at V bottom)'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Magnet height'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Distance Magnet to top of the V'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Tooth width (at V top)'}, {'name': 'W4', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Magnet Width'}, {'name': 'magnet_0', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'First Magnet'}, {'name': 'magnet_1', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Second Magnet'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface_magnet_id', 'has_magnet', 'plot_schematics', 'remove_magnet'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'V shape slot for buried magnet', 'mother': 'HoleMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleM58', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleM58.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot depth'}, {'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot width'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Distance from the lamination Bore'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Magnet width'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Distance Magnet to side of the notch'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Tooth angular opening width'}, {'name': 'R0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Notch radius'}, {'name': 'magnet_0', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Magnet', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Magnet'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_magnetization_dict', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface_magnet_id', 'has_magnet', 'plot_schematics', 'remove_magnet'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'One magnet with circular notches', 'mother': 'HoleMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleMag', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleMag.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['comp_mass_magnet_id', 'comp_mass_magnets', 'comp_surface_magnets', 'comp_volume_magnets', 'get_magnet_list', 'has_magnet'], 'daughters': ['HoleM50', 'HoleM51', 'HoleM52', 'HoleM53', 'HoleM57', 'HoleM58', 'HoleUD'], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Hole with magnets for lamination (abstract)', 'mother': 'Hole', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'HoleUD', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/HoleUD.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'surf_list', 'unit': '', 'type': '[Surface]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'List of surface to draw the Hole. Surfaces must be ordered in trigo order, label must contain HoleMagnet for Magnet and Hole for holes'}, {'name': 'magnet_dict', 'unit': '', 'type': '{Magnet}', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'dictionnary with the magnet for the Hole (None to remove magnet, key should be magnet_X)'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_surface_magnet_id', 'has_magnet', 'remove_magnet'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'User defined hole from list of surface', 'mother': 'HoleMag', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Slot', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/Slot.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Zs', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1000', 'value': 36, 'desc': 'slot number'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry_active', 'build_geometry_half_tooth', 'check', 'comp_angle_active_eq', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_height_opening', 'comp_radius', 'comp_radius_mid_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'comp_width_opening', 'get_is_stator', 'get_name_lam', 'get_Rbo', 'get_surface', 'get_surface_tooth', 'is_outwards', 'plot', 'plot_active'], 'daughters': ['Slot19', 'SlotCirc', 'SlotDC', 'SlotM10', 'SlotM11', 'SlotM12', 'SlotM13', 'SlotM14', 'SlotM15', 'SlotM16', 'SlotM17', 'SlotUD', 'SlotUD2', 'SlotW10', 'SlotW11', 'SlotW12', 'SlotW13', 'SlotW14', 'SlotW15', 'SlotW16', 'SlotW21', 'SlotW22', 'SlotW23', 'SlotW24', 'SlotW25', 'SlotW26', 'SlotW27', 'SlotW28', 'SlotW29', 'SlotW60', 'SlotW61'], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Generic class for slot (abstract)', 'mother': '', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'Slot19', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/Slot19.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Slot top width'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Slot height'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}, {'name': 'Wx_is_rad', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Wx unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_angle_bottom', 'comp_height', 'comp_surface'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'trapezoidal slot with rounded bottom', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotCirc', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotCirc.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'Slot height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Circular slot (for notches)', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotDC', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotDC.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Distance upper rod center to bore'}, {'name': 'D1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Diameter upper rod'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Middle connection width'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Height between the first and second center'}, {'name': 'D2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Diameter upper section lower rod'}, {'name': 'H3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Length of lower rod'}, {'name': 'R3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Radius lower section lower rod'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Slot with two rods (for double squirrel cage)', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM10', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM10.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'Wmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Magnet width'}, {'name': 'Hmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Rectangular Slot with Rectangular magnet', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM11', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM11.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus angular width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'Wmag', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Magnet angular width'}, {'name': 'Hmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Polar Slot with Polar magnet', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM12', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM12.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'Wmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Magnet width'}, {'name': 'Hmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Rectangular Slot with Rectangular magnet with polar top', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM13', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM13.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'Wmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Magnet width'}, {'name': 'Hmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}, {'name': 'Rtopm', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Radius of the magnet top'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Rectangular Slot with Rectangular magnet with circular top', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM14', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM14.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus angular width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'Wmag', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Magnet angular width'}, {'name': 'Hmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}, {'name': 'Rtopm', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Radius of the magnet top'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Polar Slot with Polar magnet with circular top', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM15', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM15.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus angular width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'Wmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Magnet width'}, {'name': 'Hmag', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Magnet Height'}, {'name': 'Rtopm', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Radius of the magnet top'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'single magnet with polar base and curved-top shape and parallel sides', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM16', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM16.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot Width'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot Height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Rectangular Slot with isthmus for Rectangular magnet', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotM17', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotM17.csv', 'properties': [], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Full rotor magnet', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotUD', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotUD.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'line_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Line]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'list of line to draw the edges of the slot'}, {'name': 'wind_begin_index', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Index of the first line to include in the winding'}, {'name': 'wind_end_index', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': None, 'desc': 'Index of the last line to include in the winding'}, {'name': 'type_line_wind', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'int', 'min': '0', 'max': '1', 'value': 0, 'desc': '0 to close winding with Segment, 1 for Arc1'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'set_from_point_list', 'get_surface_active', 'check'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '"User defined" Slot from a line list. ', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotUD2', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotUD2.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'line_list', 'unit': '-', 'type': '[Line]', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'list of line to draw the edges of the slot'}, {'name': 'active_surf', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'Surface', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': '', 'desc': 'Active surface of the Slot'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '"User defined" Slot from a line list and a surface', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW10', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW10.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm/rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0015, 'desc': 'Slot wedge radial height or wedge angle .'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.014, 'desc': 'Slot wedge width.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0325, 'desc': 'Slot height below wedge '}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}, {'name': 'H1_is_rad', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'H1 unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'get_H1', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Open Rectangular or trapezoidal slot with wedge', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW11', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW11.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm/rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'height or angle (See Schematics)'}, {'name': 'H1_is_rad', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'H1 unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Slot top width.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Slot height below wedge '}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot bottom radius'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_H1', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW12', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW12.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm/rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Slot middle height'}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Wedges radius'}, {'name': 'R2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot bottom radius'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW13', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW13.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm/rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0015, 'desc': 'Slot wedge radial height or wedge angle .'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.014, 'desc': 'Slot wedge width.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0325, 'desc': 'Slot height below wedge '}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot width below wedge '}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}, {'name': 'H1_is_rad', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'H1 unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'get_H1', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Open Rectangular or trapezoidal slot with wedge', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW14', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW14.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0015, 'desc': 'Slot intermediate height.'}, {'name': 'H3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Tooth height'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Tooth width'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW15', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW15.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Tooth width'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0015, 'desc': 'Slot intermediate height.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot height'}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Top radius'}, {'name': 'R2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Bottom radius'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW16', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW16.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus angular width.'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Tooth width'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot height'}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Top radius'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW21', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW21.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm/rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'height or angle (See Schematics)'}, {'name': 'H1_is_rad', 'unit': '', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'H1 unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Slot top width.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Slot height below wedge '}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_H1', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'semi-closed trapezoidal without fillet without wedge (flat bottom)', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW22', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW22.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.043633, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus orthoradial angular width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.006, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus radial height.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.04, 'desc': 'Slot radial height below wedge '}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.08725, 'desc': 'Angle between slot edges'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'semi-closed orthoradial without fillet without wedge', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW23', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW23.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm/rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'height or angle (See Schematics)'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Slot top width.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Slot height below wedge '}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Tooth width'}, {'name': 'H1_is_rad', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'H1 unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad'}, {'name': 'is_cstt_tooth', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'True: use W3 to define the slot, False: use W2 and W1'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_W', '_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'semi-closed trapezoidal without fillet without wedge (rounded bottom)', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW24', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW24.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Teeth width'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW25', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW25.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Teeth bottom width'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot bottom height'}, {'name': 'W4', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Teeth top width'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot top height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW26', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW26.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot depth '}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot edge radius'}, {'name': 'R2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot top radius'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW27', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW27.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Slot first part height'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Slot second part height'}, {'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.013, 'desc': 'Slot top width.'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.01, 'desc': 'Slot middle width'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}, {'name': 'is_trap_wind', 'unit': '-', 'type': 'bool', 'min': '', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'If True, split the winding on the trapezium bases. Else split at the middle height as usual'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'semi-closed trapezoidal without fillet without wedge (flat bottom)', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW28', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW28.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0122, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Slot edge radius'}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.005, 'desc': 'Tooth width'}, {'name': 'H3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Tooth height'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'get_surface_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW29', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW29.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.05, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus width.'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.001, 'desc': 'Slot isthmus height.'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.0015, 'desc': 'Slot middle height'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.015, 'desc': 'Slot middle width.'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'Slot bottom height'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.2, 'desc': 'Slot bottom width.'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active', 'plot_schematics'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW60', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW60.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Pole top width'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'Pole bottom width'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.05, 'desc': 'Pole top height'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.15, 'desc': 'Pole bottom height'}, {'name': 'R1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'Pole top radius'}, {'name': 'H3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Top Distance Ploe-coil '}, {'name': 'H4', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Bottom Distance Ploe-coil '}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Edge Distance Ploe-coil '}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '0'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'SlotW61', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/SlotW61.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'W0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.314, 'desc': 'Pole top width'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.02, 'desc': 'Pole top width'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.03, 'desc': 'Pole bottom width'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.003, 'desc': 'Pole top height'}, {'name': 'H1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.05, 'desc': 'Pole intermediate height'}, {'name': 'H2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0.15, 'desc': 'Pole bottom height'}, {'name': 'H3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Top Distance Ploe-coil '}, {'name': 'H4', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Bottom Distance Ploe-coil '}, {'name': 'W3', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Edge Distance Ploe-coil '}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'IS_SYMMETRICAL', 'value': '0'}], 'methods': ['_comp_point_coordinate', 'build_geometry', 'build_geometry_active', 'check', 'comp_angle_opening', 'comp_height', 'comp_height_active', 'comp_surface', 'comp_surface_active', 'get_surface_active'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': '', 'mother': 'Slot', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'VentilationCirc', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/VentilationCirc.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Alpha0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '6.29', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Shift angle of the holes around circumference'}, {'name': 'D0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Hole diameters'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Diameter of the hole centers'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface', 'get_center'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Circular axial ventilation duct', 'mother': 'Hole', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'VentilationPolar', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/VentilationPolar.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Alpha0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '6.29', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Shift angle of the hole around circumference'}, {'name': 'D0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Height of the hole'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Radius of the bottom of Hole'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '6.29', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Hole angular width'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface', 'get_center'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Polar axial ventilation duct', 'mother': 'Hole', 'is_internal': False}, {'name': 'VentilationTrap', 'path': 'pyleecan/Generator/ClassesRef/Slot/VentilationTrap.csv', 'properties': [{'name': 'Alpha0', 'unit': 'rad', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '6.29', 'value': 0, 'desc': 'Shift angle of the hole around circumference'}, {'name': 'D0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Hole height'}, {'name': 'H0', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Radius of the hole bottom'}, {'name': 'W1', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Hole small basis'}, {'name': 'W2', 'unit': 'm', 'type': 'float', 'min': '0', 'max': '', 'value': 1, 'desc': 'Hole large basis'}], 'constants': [{'name': 'VERSION', 'value': '1'}], 'methods': ['build_geometry', 'check', 'comp_radius', 'comp_surface', 'get_center'], 'daughters': [], 'package': 'Slot', 'desc': 'Trapezoidal axial ventilation ducts', 'mother': 'Hole', 'is_internal': False}]

This test check that all the classes matches the current documentation It makes sure that the class generator works and was run


Check if every propeties in the doc is created by __init__ with the default value


Check if the class can be initiate from a file


Check if as_dict return the correct dict


Check that _set_None set to None every non pyleecantype properties


Check if the class is frozen after __init__


Check if the class inherit of its mother class


Check if the class has all its methods


Check if all the method in the class folder is in the csv


Check if the setter is type sensitive for float


Check if the setter respect the specified min


Check if the setter respect the specified max


Check if the property’s doc is the same as in the doc file Works with multiline doc and specifics caracters


Check if the copy method is correct