Source code for pyleecan.Functions.FEMM.comp_FEMM_Phi_wind

from numpy import zeros

[docs]def comp_FEMM_Phi_wind(femm, qs, Npcp, is_stator, L1, L2, sym, is_rescale_flux=True): """Compute the total flux linkage of the winding phases Parameters ---------- femm : FEMMHandler client to send command to a FEMM instance qs : int number of phases Npcp : int number of parallel circuits per phase (maximum 2p) is_stator : bool true if windings are stator windings L1 : float stator length for rescaling flux linkage L2 : float rotor length for rescaling flux linkage sym : int symmetry factor (ie. 1 = full machine, 2 = half machine ...) is_rescale_flux : bool True if rescaling should be applied Returns ------- Phi_wind : float fluxlinkage of the winding phases [Vs] """ Phi_wind = zeros((1, qs)) if is_stator: label = "Circs" else: label = "Circr" # For each phase/circuit for q in range(qs): try: PropCirc = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties(label + str(q)) # rescaling to account for end winding flux if is_rescale_flux: Kphi = L1 / L2 else: Kphi = 1 # flux linkage of phase q in Wb=Vs=HA Phi_wind[0, q] = sym * PropCirc[2] * Kphi / Npcp except Exception: Phi_wind[0, q] = None return Phi_wind