Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Optimization.tournamentDCD

from random import sample, choice

[docs]def choseDCD(indiv_1, indiv_2): """Chose between two individuals Parameters ---------- indiv_1 : individual indiv_2 : individual Returns ------- individual selected """ if indiv_1.cstr_viol == 0 and indiv_2.cstr_viol > 0: # only indiv_1 feasible return indiv_1 elif indiv_1.cstr_viol > 0 and indiv_2.cstr_viol == 0: # only indiv_2 feasible return indiv_2 elif ( indiv_1.cstr_viol > 0 and indiv_2.cstr_viol > 0 ): # indiv_1 and indiv_2 unfeasible # Compare the number of constraint violations if indiv_1.cstr_viol < indiv_2.cstr_viol: return indiv_1 elif indiv_1.cstr_viol > indiv_2.cstr_viol: return indiv_2 else: return choice([indiv_1, indiv_2]) else: # Both indiv feasible # Check domination, else check crowding distance, else random choice if return indiv_1 elif return indiv_2 elif > return indiv_1 elif < return indiv_2 else: return choice([indiv_1, indiv_2])
[docs]def tournamentDCD(pop, size): """Select individuals from the population with a tournament based on the domination and the crowding distance This function is inspired by DEAP selTournamentDCD function at Parameters ---------- pop : list list of individuals created with the DEAP toolbox size : int number of individual to select Returns ------- selection : list list of individuals selected """ if len(pop) % 4 != 0: raise ValueError("TournamentDCD: pop length must be a multiple of 4") if size % 4 != 0: raise ValueError( "TournamentDCD: number of individuals to select must be a multiple of 4" ) # Sample the population indiv_1 = sample(pop, len(pop)) indiv_2 = sample(pop, len(pop)) selection = [] # Select individuals for i in range(0, size, 4): selection.append(choseDCD(indiv_1[i], indiv_1[i + 1])) selection.append(choseDCD(indiv_2[i], indiv_2[i + 1])) selection.append(choseDCD(indiv_1[i + 2], indiv_1[i + 3])) selection.append(choseDCD(indiv_2[i + 2], indiv_2[i + 3])) return selection