Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.DBore.DBore

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numpy import pi
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt
from PySide2.QtCore import Signal
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QMessageBox, QDialog
from logging import getLogger
from .....loggers import GUI_LOG_NAME
from .....Classes.BoreFlower import BoreFlower
from .....GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.DBore.Ui_DBore import Ui_DBore
from .....GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.DBore.PBoreFlower.PBoreFlower import PBoreFlower
from .....GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.DBore.PBoreSinePole.PBoreSinePole import (
from .....Functions.Plot.set_plot_gui_icon import set_plot_gui_icon
from .....Functions.GUI.log_error import log_error

# List to convert index of combobox to bore type
INIT_INDEX = [wid.bore_type for wid in WIDGET_LIST]
BORE_NAME = [wid.bore_name for wid in WIDGET_LIST]

[docs]class DBore(Ui_DBore, QDialog): """Step to set the bore with winding""" # Signal to DMachineSetup to know that the save popup is needed saveNeeded = Signal() def __init__(self, lam): """Initialize the GUI according to machine Parameters ---------- self : DBore A DBore widget lam : Lamination current lamination to edit """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QDialog.__init__(self) self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint, True) self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint, True) self.setupUi(self) # Saving arguments self.obj = lam # Current object backup self.lam = lam.copy() # Copy to edit self.b_help.hide() # Fill the combobox with the available bore self.c_bore_type.clear() for bore in BORE_NAME: self.c_bore_type.addItem(bore) # Avoid erase all the parameters when navigating though the bores self.previous_bore = dict() for bore_type in INIT_INDEX: self.previous_bore[bore_type] = None # If the bore is not set, initialize it with a 1_0 if self.lam.bore is None: self.lam.bore = BoreFlower( Rarc=self.obj.get_Rbo() * 0.85, alpha=pi / (2 * self.obj.get_pole_pair_number()), ) if self.lam.bore.alpha is None: self.lam.bore.alpha = 0 self.lf_alpha.setValue(self.lam.bore.alpha) # Set the correct index for the type checkbox and display the object index = INIT_INDEX.index(type(self.lam.bore)) self.c_bore_type.setCurrentIndex(index) # Update the bore widget self.s_update_bore() # Connect the bore self.c_bore_type.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.s_change_bore) self.lf_alpha.editingFinished.connect(self.set_alpha) self.c_alpha_unit.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_alpha) self.b_plot.clicked.connect(self.s_plot) self.b_cancel.clicked.connect(self.reject) self.b_ok.clicked.connect(self.valid_bore)
[docs] def valid_bore(self): """Validate the bore and update the lamination Parameters ---------- self : DBore a DBore object """ error = self.check() if error: # Error => Display it QMessageBox().critical(self,"Error"), error) else: self.accept()
[docs] def emit_save(self): """Send a saveNeeded signal to the DMachineSetup""" self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_alpha(self): """Signal to update the value of alpha according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : DBore A DBore object """ if self.c_alpha_unit.currentIndex() == 0: # rad self.lam.bore.alpha = self.lf_alpha.value() else: # deg self.lam.bore.alpha = self.lf_alpha.value() * pi / 180 # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_bore_type(self, index): """Initialize self.lam with the bore corresponding to index Parameters ---------- self : DBore A DBore object index : int Index of the selected bore type in the list """ # Save the bore self.previous_bore[type(self.lam.bore)] = self.lam.bore # Call the corresponding constructor if self.previous_bore[INIT_INDEX[index]] is None: # No previous bore of this type self.lam.bore = INIT_INDEX[index]() self.lam.bore._set_None() # No default value else: # Load the previous bore of this type self.lam.bore = self.previous_bore[INIT_INDEX[index]] # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def s_update_bore(self): """Update the bore widget Parameters ---------- self : DBore A DBore object """ # Regenerate the pages with the new values self.w_bore.setParent(None) self.w_bore = WIDGET_LIST[self.c_bore_type.currentIndex()](self.lam) self.w_bore.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) # Refresh the GUI self.main_layout.removeWidget(self.w_bore) self.main_layout.insertWidget(1, self.w_bore)
[docs] def s_change_bore(self, index): """Signal to update the bore object and widget Parameters ---------- self : DBore A DBore object index : int Current index of the combobox """ # Current bore is removed and replaced by the new one self.set_bore_type(index) self.s_update_bore()
[docs] def s_plot(self): """Try to plot the lamination Parameters ---------- self : DBore A DBore object """ # We have to make sure the bore is right before trying to plot it error = self.check() if self.lam.is_stator: name = "Stator" else: name = "Rotor" if error: # Error => Display it err_msg = "Error in " + name + " bore definition:\n" + error getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).debug(err_msg) QMessageBox().critical(self,"Error"), err_msg) else: # No error => Plot the lamination try: self.lam.plot() set_plot_gui_icon() except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while plotting " + name + " in bore definition:\n" + str(e) ) log_error(self, err_msg)
[docs] def check(self): """Check that the current lamination have all the needed field set Parameters ---------- self: DBore A DBore object Returns ------- error: str Error message (return None if no error) """ try: # Call the check method of the bore (every bore type have a # different check method) index = INIT_INDEX.index(type(self.lam.bore)) return WIDGET_LIST[index].check(self.lam) except Exception as e: return str(e)