Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMHoleMag.PHoleM51.PHoleM51

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numpy import pi
from PySide2.QtCore import Signal
from PySide2.QtGui import QPixmap
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget

from ......Classes.MachineIPMSM import MachineIPMSM
from ......Classes.HoleM51 import HoleM51
from ......Classes.Magnet import Magnet
from ......GUI import gui_option
from ......GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMHoleMag.PHoleM51.Gen_PHoleM51 import Gen_PHoleM51
from ......Methods.Slot.Slot import SlotCheckError
from ......GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMHoleMag import DEFAULT_MAG_MAT

[docs]class PHoleM51(Gen_PHoleM51, QWidget): """Page to set the Hole Type 51""" # Signal to DMachineSetup to know that the save popup is needed saveNeeded = Signal() # Information for WHoleMag hole_name = "Hole Type 51" hole_type = HoleM51 def __init__(self, hole=None, material_dict=None): """Initialize the widget according to hole Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget hole : HoleM51 current hole to edit material_dict: dict Materials dictionary (library + machine) """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QWidget.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.material_dict = material_dict # Set FloatEdit unit self.lf_W0.unit = "m" self.lf_W1.unit = "rad" self.lf_W2.unit = "m" self.lf_W3.unit = "m" self.lf_W4.unit = "m" self.lf_W5.unit = "m" self.lf_W6.unit = "m" self.lf_W7.unit = "m" self.lf_H0.unit = "m" self.lf_H1.unit = "m" self.lf_H2.unit = "m" # Set default materials self.w_mat_0.setText("mat_void") self.w_mat_0.def_mat = "Air" self.w_mat_0.is_hide_button = True self.w_mat_1.setText("magnet_0") self.w_mat_1.def_mat = DEFAULT_MAG_MAT self.w_mat_1.is_hide_button = True self.w_mat_2.setText("magnet_1") self.w_mat_2.def_mat = DEFAULT_MAG_MAT self.w_mat_2.is_hide_button = True self.w_mat_3.setText("magnet_2") self.w_mat_3.def_mat = DEFAULT_MAG_MAT self.w_mat_3.is_hide_button = True # Set unit name (m ou mm) self.u = gui_option.unit wid_list = [ self.unit_W0, self.unit_W2, self.unit_W3, self.unit_W4, self.unit_W5, self.unit_W6, self.unit_W7, self.unit_H0, self.unit_H1, self.unit_H2, ] for wid in wid_list: wid.setText("[" + self.u.get_m_name() + "]") self.hole = hole # Adapt GUI with/without magnet if not isinstance(hole.parent.parent, MachineIPMSM): # SyRM self.img_slot.setPixmap( QPixmap(":/images/images/MachineSetup/SMHoleMag/HoleM51_no_mag.png") ) # Disable magnet only parameters hole.W2 = 0 hole.W3 = 0 hole.W4 = 0 hole.W5 = 0 hole.W6 = 0 hole.W7 = 0 self.lf_W2.setEnabled(False) self.lf_W3.setEnabled(False) self.lf_W4.setEnabled(False) self.lf_W5.setEnabled(False) self.lf_W6.setEnabled(False) self.lf_W7.setEnabled(False) self.w_mat_0.update(self.hole, "mat_void", self.material_dict) self.w_mat_1.hide() self.w_mat_2.hide() self.w_mat_3.hide() else: self.w_mat_0.update(self.hole, "mat_void", self.material_dict) self.w_mat_1.update(self.hole.magnet_0, "mat_type", self.material_dict) self.w_mat_2.update(self.hole.magnet_1, "mat_type", self.material_dict) self.w_mat_3.update(self.hole.magnet_2, "mat_type", self.material_dict) if self.hole.magnet_0 is None: self.w_mat_1.setEnabled(False) if self.hole.magnet_1 is None: self.w_mat_2.setEnabled(False) if self.hole.magnet_2 is None: self.w_mat_3.setEnabled(False) # Fill the fields with the machine values (if they're filled) self.lf_W0.setValue(self.hole.W0) self.lf_W1.setValue(self.hole.W1) self.lf_W2.setValue(self.hole.W2) self.lf_W3.setValue(self.hole.W3) self.lf_W4.setValue(self.hole.W4) self.lf_W5.setValue(self.hole.W5) self.lf_W6.setValue(self.hole.W6) self.lf_W7.setValue(self.hole.W7) self.lf_H0.setValue(self.hole.H0) self.lf_H1.setValue(self.hole.H1) self.lf_H2.setValue(self.hole.H2) self.is_magnet_0.setChecked(self.hole.magnet_0 is not None) self.is_magnet_1.setChecked(self.hole.magnet_1 is not None) self.is_magnet_2.setChecked(self.hole.magnet_2 is not None) # Display the main output of the hole (surface, height...) self.comp_output() # Connect the signal self.lf_W0.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W0) self.lf_W1.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W1) self.lf_W2.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W2) self.lf_W3.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W3) self.lf_W4.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W4) self.lf_W5.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W5) self.lf_W6.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W6) self.lf_W7.editingFinished.connect(self.set_W7) self.lf_H0.editingFinished.connect(self.set_H0) self.lf_H1.editingFinished.connect(self.set_H1) self.lf_H2.editingFinished.connect(self.set_H2) self.w_mat_0.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) self.w_mat_1.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) self.w_mat_2.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) self.w_mat_3.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) self.is_magnet_0.stateChanged.connect(self.change_magnet_0) self.is_magnet_1.stateChanged.connect(self.change_magnet_1) self.is_magnet_2.stateChanged.connect(self.change_magnet_2)
[docs] def change_magnet_0(self): """Set/Remove magnet_0 according to checkbox""" if self.is_magnet_0.isChecked(): self.hole.magnet_0 = Magnet() self.hole.magnet_0._set_None() self.w_mat_1.setEnabled(True) self.w_mat_1.update(self.hole.magnet_0, "mat_type", self.material_dict) self.w_mat_1.set_mat_type() else: self.hole.magnet_0 = None self.w_mat_1.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def change_magnet_1(self): """Set/Remove magnet_1 according to checkbox""" if self.is_magnet_1.isChecked(): self.hole.magnet_1 = Magnet() self.hole.magnet_1._set_None() self.w_mat_2.setEnabled(True) self.w_mat_2.update(self.hole.magnet_1, "mat_type", self.material_dict) self.w_mat_2.set_mat_type() else: self.hole.magnet_1 = None self.w_mat_2.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def change_magnet_2(self): """Set/Remove magnet_2 according to checkbox""" if self.is_magnet_2.isChecked(): self.hole.magnet_2 = Magnet() self.hole.magnet_2._set_None() self.w_mat_3.setEnabled(True) self.w_mat_3.update(self.hole.magnet_2, "mat_type", self.material_dict) self.w_mat_3.set_mat_type() else: self.hole.magnet_2 = None self.w_mat_3.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def emit_save(self): """Send a saveNeeded signal to the DMachineSetup""" self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W0(self): """Signal to update the value of W0 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W0 = self.lf_W0.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W1(self): """Signal to update the value of W1 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W1 = self.lf_W1.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W2(self): """Signal to update the value of W2 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W2 = self.lf_W2.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W3(self): """Signal to update the value of W3 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W3 = self.lf_W3.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W4(self): """Signal to update the value of W3 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W4 = self.lf_W4.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W5(self): """Signal to update the value of W5 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W5 = self.lf_W5.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W6(self): """Signal to update the value of W6 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W6 = self.lf_W6.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_W7(self): """Signal to update the value of W7 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.W7 = self.lf_W7.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_H0(self): """Signal to update the value of H0 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.H0 = self.lf_H0.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_H1(self): """Signal to update the value of H1 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.H1 = self.lf_H1.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_H2(self): """Signal to update the value of H2 according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ self.hole.H2 = self.lf_H2.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def comp_output(self): """Compute and display the hole output Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget """ if self.check() is None: # We compute the output only if the hole is correctly set # Compute all the needed output as string try: s_surf = format(self.u.get_m2(self.hole.comp_surface()), ".4g") m_surf = format(self.u.get_m2(self.hole.comp_surface_magnets()), ".4g") alpha = self.hole.comp_alpha() alpha_rad = "%.4g" % alpha alpha_deg = "%.4g" % (alpha * 180 / pi) Ws = format(self.u.get_m(self.hole.comp_width()), ".4g") # Update the GUI to display the Output self.out_slot_surface.setText( "Slot suface: " + s_surf + " " + self.u.get_m2_name() ) self.out_magnet_surface.setText( "Magnet surface: " + m_surf + " " + self.u.get_m2_name() ) self.out_alpha.setText( "alpha: " + alpha_rad + " rad (" + alpha_deg + "°)" ) self.out_Whole.setText("Wslot: " + Ws + " " + self.u.get_m_name()) except: # We can't compute the output => We erase the previous version # (that way the user know that something is wrong) self.out_slot_surface.setText("Slot suface: ?") self.out_magnet_surface.setText("Magnet surface: ?") self.out_alpha.setText("alpha: ?") self.out_Whole.setText("Wslot: ?") else: # We can't compute the output => We erase the previous version # (that way the user know that something is wrong) self.out_slot_surface.setText("Slot suface: ?") self.out_magnet_surface.setText("Magnet surface: ?") self.out_alpha.setText("alpha: ?") self.out_Whole.setText("Wslot: ?")
[docs] def check(self): """Check that the current machine have all the needed field set Parameters ---------- self : PHoleM51 A PHoleM51 widget Returns ------- error : str Error message (return None if no error) """ # Constraints and None try: self.hole.check() except SlotCheckError as error: return str(error)