Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMachineDimension.SMachineDimension

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from PySide2.QtCore import Signal
from PySide2.QtGui import QPixmap
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QMessageBox, QWidget

from .....Classes.Shaft import Shaft
from .....Classes.Frame import Frame
from .....Classes.LamSlotMag import LamSlotMag
from .....GUI import gui_option
from .....GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMachineDimension.Ui_SMachineDimension import (
from .....GUI.Resources import pixmap_dict

[docs]class SMachineDimension(Ui_SMachineDimension, QWidget): """Step to setup the Machine dimension""" # Signal to DMachineSetup to know that the save popup is needed saveNeeded = Signal() # Information for the DMachineSetup nav step_name = "Machine Dimensions" def __init__(self, machine, material_dict, is_stator=False): """Initialize the widget according to machine Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension widget machine : Machine current machine to edit material_dict: dict Materials dictionary (library + machine) is_stator : bool To adapt the GUI to set either the stator or the rotor """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QWidget.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) # Saving arguments self.machine = machine self.material_dict = material_dict self.is_stator = is_stator # Set FloatEdit unit self.lf_SRint.unit = "m" self.lf_SRext.unit = "m" self.lf_RRext.unit = "m" self.lf_RRint.unit = "m" self.lf_Wfra.unit = "m" self.lf_Lfra.unit = "m" # Set unit name (m ou mm) wid_list = [ self.unit_SRint, self.unit_SRext, self.unit_RRext, self.unit_RRint, self.unit_Wfra, self.unit_Lfra, ] for wid in wid_list: wid.setText("[" + gui_option.unit.get_m_name() + "]") # Initialize the GUI with the current machine value self.lf_SRint.setValue(machine.stator.Rint) self.lf_SRext.setValue(machine.stator.Rext) self.lf_RRint.setValue(machine.rotor.Rint) self.lf_RRext.setValue(machine.rotor.Rext) self.set_airgap() # Update out_airgap if possible # Set default materials self.w_mat_0.setText("Shaft Material") self.w_mat_0.def_mat = "M400-50A" self.w_mat_1.setText("Frame Material") self.w_mat_1.def_mat = "M400-50A" # Make sure that the Shaft/Frame is cleaned for External Rotor if not machine.rotor.is_internal: machine.shaft = None machine.frame = None if ( machine.frame is None or machine.frame.Rint is None or machine.frame.Rext is None or machine.frame.comp_height_eq() == 0 ): machine.frame = None self.g_frame.setChecked(False) self.lf_Wfra.clear() # Empty spinbox self.lf_Lfra.clear() # Empty spinbox else: self.g_frame.setChecked(True) self.lf_Wfra.setValue(machine.frame.comp_height_eq()) if machine.frame.Lfra is not None: self.lf_Lfra.setValue(machine.frame.Lfra) self.w_mat_1.update(self.machine.frame, "mat_type", self.material_dict) # Adapt the GUI to the topology of the machine self.out_Drsh.hide() # Never show Drsh, internal parameter if not machine.rotor.is_internal: # External Rotor if isinstance(self.machine.rotor, LamSlotMag): self.img_machine.setPixmap(QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_Ext_Rotor_mag"])) else: self.img_machine.setPixmap(QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_Ext_Rotor"])) self.g_shaft.hide() self.g_frame.hide() elif ( machine.shaft is None or machine.shaft.Drsh is None or machine.shaft.Drsh == 0 ): # Internal Rotor without shaft machine.shaft = None if isinstance(self.machine.rotor, LamSlotMag): self.img_machine.setPixmap( QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_No_Shaft_mag"]) ) else: self.img_machine.setPixmap( QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_No_Shaft"]) ) self.g_shaft.setChecked(False) self.out_Drsh.hide() # If there is no shaft, the rotor doesn't have internal radius self.lf_RRint.setValue(0) self.lf_RRint.setEnabled(False) self.machine.rotor.Rint = 0 else: # Internal Rotor with shaft if isinstance(self.machine.rotor, LamSlotMag): self.img_machine.setPixmap( QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_Shaft_mag"]) ) else: self.img_machine.setPixmap(QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_Shaft"])) self.g_shaft.setChecked(True) self.machine.shaft.Drsh = self.machine.rotor.Rint * 2 self.out_Drsh.setText("Drsh = ") + format(gui_option.unit.get_m(self.machine.shaft.Drsh), ".4g") + " [" + gui_option.unit.get_m_name() + "]" ) self.w_mat_0.update(self.machine.shaft, "mat_type", self.material_dict) # Connect the widget self.lf_SRint.editingFinished.connect(self.set_stator_Rint) self.lf_SRext.editingFinished.connect(self.set_stator_Rext) self.lf_RRint.editingFinished.connect(self.set_rotor_Rint) self.lf_RRext.editingFinished.connect(self.set_rotor_Rext) self.lf_Wfra.editingFinished.connect(self.set_Wfra) self.lf_Lfra.editingFinished.connect(self.set_Lfra) self.g_shaft.toggled.connect(self.set_Drsh) self.g_frame.toggled.connect(self.clear_frame) self.w_mat_0.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) self.w_mat_1.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save)
[docs] def set_stator_Rint(self): """Signal to update the value of stator.Rint according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ if self.machine.stator.Rint != self.lf_SRint.value(): self.machine.stator.Rint = self.lf_SRint.value() self.set_airgap() # Update out_airgap if possible # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_stator_Rext(self): """Signal to update the value of stator.Rext according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ if self.machine.stator.Rext != self.lf_SRext.value(): Rext = self.lf_SRext.value() self.machine.stator.Rext = Rext if self.machine.frame is not None: try: # Fail if lf_Wfra empty self.machine.frame.Rext = Rext + self.lf_Wfra.value() self.machine.frame.Rint = Rext except TypeError: # Wfra is None self.machine.frame.Rext = Rext self.machine.frame.Rint = Rext self.set_airgap() # Update out_airgap if possible # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_rotor_Rint(self): """Signal to update the value of rotor.Rint according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ self.machine.rotor.Rint = self.lf_RRint.value() if self.machine.rotor.is_internal: # Update out_Drsh if needed self.set_Drsh(self.g_shaft.isChecked()) self.set_airgap() # Update out_airgap if possible # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_rotor_Rext(self): """Signal to update the value of rotor.Rext according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ self.machine.rotor.Rext = self.lf_RRext.value() self.set_airgap() # Update out_airgap if possible # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_airgap(self): """Signal to update the value of airgap according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ # For readibility rotor = self.machine.rotor stator = self.machine.stator gap_txt ="Airgap magnetic width = ") # Airgap definition change accoding to Topology if rotor.is_internal: # Update only if the needed parameters are set if rotor.Rext is not None and stator.Rint is not None: gap = stator.Rint - rotor.Rext airgap = format(gap * 1000, ".6g") self.out_airgap.setText(gap_txt + airgap + " [mm]") else: self.out_airgap.setText(gap_txt + "?") else: # Update only if the needed parameters are set if rotor.Rint is not None and stator.Rext is not None: airgap = format((rotor.Rint - stator.Rext) * 1000, ".6g") self.out_airgap.setText(gap_txt + airgap + " [mm]") else: self.out_airgap.setText(gap_txt + "?")
[docs] def set_Wfra(self): """Signal to update the value of Wfra according to the spinbox Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ if self.machine.stator.Rext is not None: Wfra = self.lf_Wfra.value() self.machine.frame.Rint = self.machine.stator.Rext self.machine.frame.Rext = self.machine.stator.Rext + Wfra # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_Lfra(self): """Signal to update the value of Lfra according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ self.machine.frame.Lfra = self.lf_Lfra.value() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def clear_frame(self, is_checked): """Signal to remove the frame if the checkbox is unchecked Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object is_checked : bool State of the g_frame checkbox """ if is_checked: self.machine.frame = Frame() self.machine.frame._set_None() if self.machine.stator.Rext is not None: self.machine.frame.Rint = self.machine.stator.Rext self.machine.frame.Rext = self.machine.stator.Rext else: self.machine.frame.Rint = None self.machine.frame.Rext = None self.w_mat_1.update(self.machine.frame, "mat_type", self.material_dict) self.lf_Wfra.clear() self.lf_Lfra.clear() else: self.machine.frame = None # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_Drsh(self, is_checked): """Signal to set Drsh according to the page context Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object is_checked : bool State of g_shaft """ if is_checked: # If there is a shaft # Set the corresponding image if isinstance(self.machine.rotor, LamSlotMag): self.img_machine.setPixmap( QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_Shaft_mag"]) ) else: self.img_machine.setPixmap(QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_Shaft"])) # Set Drsh if machine.rotor.Rint is set if self.machine.rotor.Rint is not None: self.machine.shaft = Shaft() self.machine.shaft._set_None() self.machine.shaft.Drsh = self.machine.rotor.Rint * 2 self.out_Drsh.setText("Drsh = ") + format(gui_option.unit.get_m(self.machine.shaft.Drsh), ".4g") + " [" + gui_option.unit.get_m_name() + "]" ) else: self.out_Drsh.setText("Drsh = ")) self.machine.shaft.Drsh = None self.w_mat_0.update(self.machine.shaft, "mat_type", self.material_dict) # machine.rotor.Rint editable only if there is a shaft self.lf_RRint.setEnabled(True) else: # If there is no shaft # Set the corresponding image if isinstance(self.machine.rotor, LamSlotMag): self.img_machine.setPixmap( QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_No_Shaft_mag"]) ) else: self.img_machine.setPixmap( QPixmap(pixmap_dict["Dim_In_Rotor_No_Shaft"]) ) self.machine.shaft = None self.machine.rotor.Rint = 0 self.lf_RRint.setValue(0) # machine.rotor.Rint editable only if there is a shaft self.lf_RRint.setEnabled(False) # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] @staticmethod def check(machine): """Check that the current machine have all the needed field set Parameters ---------- machine : Machine Machine to check Returns ------- error : str Error message (return None if no error) """ try: # Check that everything is set if machine.stator.Rint is None: return "You must set Stator.Rint !" if machine.stator.Rext is None: return "You must set Stator.Rext !" if machine.rotor.Rint is None: return "You must set Rotor.Rint !" if machine.rotor.Rext is None: return "You must set Rotor.Rext !" if machine.shaft is not None and machine.shaft.mat_type is None: return "You must set the shaft material !" if machine.frame is not None and machine.frame.mat_type is None: return "You must set the frame material !" # Check that everything is set right if machine.stator.Rext <= machine.stator.Rint: return "The Stator can't have an internal radius greater than the external one !" if machine.rotor.Rext <= machine.rotor.Rint: return "The Rotor can't have an internal radius greater than the external one !" if machine.rotor.is_internal and machine.stator.Rint <= machine.rotor.Rext: return "For Internal Rotor machine, you must have: Rotor.Rext < Stator.Rint !" if ( not machine.rotor.is_internal and machine.stator.Rext >= machine.rotor.Rint ): return "For External Rotor machine, you must have: Stator.Rext < Rotor.Rint !" except Exception as e: return str(e)
[docs] def check_gui(self): """Check that the widget are set right according to the current machine Parameters ---------- self : SMachineDimension A SMachineDimension object """ machine = self.machine if machine.rotor.Rint is None and self.g_shaft.isChecked(): return"You must set Rotor.Rint !") if machine.rotor.Rint is None and not self.g_shaft.isChecked(): machine.rotor.Rint = 0 machine.shaft = None if self.g_frame.isChecked() and machine.frame.Rint is None: return"You must set Wfra or unchecked Frame !") if not self.g_frame.isChecked(): self.machine.frame = None
[docs] def emit_save(self): """Send a saveNeeded signal to the DMachineSetup""" self.saveNeeded.emit()