Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SPreview.WMachineTable.WMachineTable

from logging import getLogger
from os.path import join

from PySide2.QtWidgets import QFileDialog, QTableWidgetItem, QWidget, QMessageBox

from ......Classes._FEMMHandler import _FEMMHandler
from ......Classes.Output import Output
from ......Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from ......Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from ......Classes.OPdq import OPdq
from ......Classes.OPslip import OPslip
from ......Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from ......definitions import config_dict
from ......loggers import GUI_LOG_NAME
from ......Functions.GUI.log_error import log_error
from ......Functions.FEMM.update_FEMM_simulation import update_FEMM_simulation
from ......Functions.FEMM.draw_FEMM import draw_FEMM
from ......Functions.Plot.set_plot_gui_icon import set_plot_gui_icon
from ......GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SPreview.WMachineTable.Ui_WMachineTable import (
from ......Methods.Simulation.MagElmer import MagElmer_BP_dict

    from ......Functions.GMSH.draw_GMSH import draw_GMSH
except Exception as e:
    draw_GMSH = e
    from pyleecan.Functions.GMSH.gen_3D_mesh import gen_3D_mesh
except Exception as e:
    gen_3D_mesh = e

[docs]class WMachineTable(Ui_WMachineTable, QWidget): """Table to display the main paramaters of the machine""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Initialize the GUI Parameters ---------- self : SWindCond A SWindCond widget """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.machine = None self.fig_mmf = None # To store the fig for tests self.is_test = False # True to hide the plots in tests # Connect the widget self.b_mmf.clicked.connect(self.plot_mmf) self.b_FEMM.clicked.connect(self.draw_FEMM) if isinstance(draw_GMSH, Exception): self.b_GMSH.setEnabled(False) self.b_GMSH.setWhatsThis(str(draw_GMSH)) self.b_GMSH.setToolTip(str(draw_GMSH)) self.b_GMSH_3D.setEnabled(False) self.b_GMSH_3D.setWhatsThis(str(gen_3D_mesh)) self.b_GMSH_3D.setToolTip(str(gen_3D_mesh)) else: self.b_GMSH.clicked.connect(self.draw_GMSH) self.b_GMSH_3D.clicked.connect(self.draw_GMSH_3D) self.b_plot_machine.clicked.connect(self.plot_machine)
[docs] def update_tab(self, machine): """Update the table to match the machine Parameters ---------- self : WMachineTable A WMachineTable object """ self.machine = machine desc_dict = self.machine.comp_desc_dict() self.tab_param.clear() # Set header self.tab_param.setColumnCount(2) item = QTableWidgetItem("Name") self.tab_param.setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, item) item = QTableWidgetItem("Value") self.tab_param.setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, item) # Set containt for ii, desc in enumerate(desc_dict): if desc["value"] is not None: self.tab_param.insertRow(ii) self.tab_param.setItem(ii, 0, QTableWidgetItem(desc["verbose"])) if desc["type"] is float: txt = format(desc["value"], ".4g") else: txt = str(desc["value"]) if desc["unit"] not in ["", None]: txt += " " + desc["unit"] self.tab_param.setItem(ii, 1, QTableWidgetItem(txt))
[docs] def plot_mmf(self): """Plot the unit mmf of the stator""" try: if self.machine is not None: self.fig_mmf = self.machine.stator.plot_mmf_unit( is_show_fig=not self.is_test ) except Exception as e: err_msg = "Error while plotting Stator mmf unit:\n" + str(e) log_error(self, err_msg)
[docs] def plot_machine(self): """Plot the machine""" if self.machine is not None: self.machine.plot(is_show_fig=not self.is_test) set_plot_gui_icon()
[docs] def draw_FEMM(self): """Draw the Machine in FEMM""" save_file_path = self.get_save_path(ext=".fem", file_type="FEMM (*.fem)") # Avoid bug due to user closing the popup witout selecting a file if save_file_path is [None, ""]: return try: femm = _FEMMHandler() # Periodicity sym, is_antiper = self.machine.comp_periodicity_spatial() if is_antiper: sym *= 2 # Set Current (constant J in a layer) S_slot = self.machine.stator.slot.comp_surface_active() (Nrad, Ntan) = self.machine.stator.winding.get_dim_wind() Ntcoil = self.machine.stator.winding.Ntcoil Sphase = S_slot / (Nrad * Ntan) J = 5e6 if self.machine.is_synchronous(): OP = OPdq(felec=60) OP.set_Id_Iq(Id=0, Iq=J * Sphase / Ntcoil) else: OP = OPslip(felec=60) OP.set_Id_Iq(Id=J * Sphase / Ntcoil, Iq=0) output = Output( simu=Simu1( machine=self.machine, input=InputCurrent(OP=OP, Nt_tot=20, Na_tot=200), ) ) # Generate time and phase vectors in OutElec output.simu.input.gen_input() # Get current values for given OP Is = output.elec.get_Is().values # Divide phase current by the number of parallel circuit per phase of winding stator = self.machine.stator if hasattr(stator.winding, "Npcp") and stator.winding.Npcp is not None: Npcp = stator.winding.Npcp else: Npcp = 1 Is /= Npcp # Get rotor angular position in degress angle_rotor = output.elec.axes_dict["time"].get_values( normalization="angle_rotor" ) # Draw the machine FEMM_dict = draw_FEMM( femm, output, is_mmfr=True, is_mmfs=True, sym=sym, is_antiper=is_antiper, type_calc_leakage=0, path_save=None, is_sliding_band=True, is_fast_draw=True, ) # Set the current update_FEMM_simulation( femm=femm, FEMM_dict=FEMM_dict, is_sliding_band=True, is_internal_rotor=self.machine.rotor.is_internal, angle_rotor=angle_rotor, Is=Is, Ir=None, ii=0, ) femm.mi_saveas(save_file_path) # Save except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while drawing machine " + + " in FEMM:\n" + str(e) ) log_error(self, err_msg) femm.closefemm()
[docs] def draw_GMSH(self): save_file_path = self.get_save_path(ext=".msh", file_type="GMSH (*.msh)") # Avoid bug due to user closing the popup witout selecting a file if save_file_path is [None, ""]: return # Create the Simulation try: mySimu = Simu1(name="test_gmsh_ipm", machine=self.machine) myResults = Output(simu=mySimu) sym, is_antiper = self.machine.comp_periodicity_spatial() if is_antiper: sym *= 2 draw_GMSH( output=myResults, sym=sym, boundary_prop=MagElmer_BP_dict, is_lam_only_S=False, is_lam_only_R=False, user_mesh_dict=None, is_sliding_band=True, is_airbox=True, path_save=save_file_path, ) except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while drawing machine " + + " in GMSH:\n" + str(e) ) log_error(self, err_msg)
[docs] def draw_GMSH_3D(self): save_file_path = self.get_save_path(ext="_stator.msh", file_type="GMSH (*.msh)") # Avoid bug due to user closing the popup witout selecting a file if save_file_path is [None, ""]: return try: gen_3D_mesh( lamination=self.machine.stator, save_path=save_file_path, mesh_size=(self.machine.stator.Rext - self.machine.stator.Rint) / 20, Nlayer=20, display=False, ) except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while drawing machine " + + " in GMSH:\n" + str(e) ) log_error(self, err_msg)
[docs] def get_save_path(self, ext=".fem", file_type="FEMM (*.fem)"): machine_path = config_dict["MAIN"]["MACHINE_DIR"] # Ask the user to select a .fem file to save if in ["", None]: return QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Save file"), machine_path, file_type )[0] else: def_path = join(machine_path, + ext) return QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Save file"), def_path, file_type )[0]