Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Tools.WImport.WImportExcel.WImportExcel

from os.path import isfile

import numpy
import re
from pandas import ExcelFile, read_excel
from PySide2.QtCore import Signal
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QMessageBox, QDialog

from .....Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal
from .....Classes.ImportMatrixXls import ImportMatrixXls
from .....GUI.Tools.WImport.WImportExcel.Ui_WImportExcel import Ui_WImportExcel

pattern_validation_input = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z]{1,}\d+:[a-zA-Z]{1,}\d+")

[docs]class WImportExcel(Ui_WImportExcel, QDialog): """Widget to define an ImportMatrixXls""" import_name = "Import from Excel" import_type = ImportMatrixXls saveNeeded = Signal() dataTypeChanged = Signal() def __init__( self, parent=None, data=None, plot_title=None, expected_shape=None, load_path=None, nb_cols=None, headers=None, ): """Initialization of the widget Parameters ---------- data : ImportMatrixXls Data import to define plot_title : str Name of the imported data expected_shape : list List to enforce a shape, [None, 2] enforce 2D matrix with 2 columns load_path : str Path of the excel file nb_cols : int Number of max columns in the table headers : str If specified, the user will be able to choose the order of the units for the plot """ QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.setMaximumHeight(300) self.setMaximumWidth(300) if data is None or not isinstance(data, ImportMatrixXls): = ImportMatrixXls() else: = data self.plot_title = plot_title self.expected_shape = expected_shape self.tab_window = None # For table popup self.load_path = load_path self.int_row_list = None self.cols = None self.headers = headers self.datas = None self.b_ok.setEnabled(False) if nb_cols == 2: self.c_order.setHidden(False) self.c_order.setItemText(0, headers[0]) self.c_order.setItemText(1, headers[1]) self.in_order.setHidden(False) else: self.c_order.setHidden(True) self.in_order.setHidden(True) # Display current state of ImportMatrixXls self.update() # Connect the slot/signal self.c_sheet.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_sheet) self.le_range.textChanged.connect(self.set_range) self.b_ok.clicked.connect( self.b_cancel.clicked.connect(self.cancel)
[docs] def update(self): """Fill the widget with the current value of the data""" self.set_sheet_list() self.le_range.setText(
[docs] def set_sheet_list(self): """Complete the combobox with the sheet name from the Excel file""" if is_excel_file(self.load_path): # Get Sheet names xls_file = ExcelFile(self.load_path) # Disable combobox if only one sheet if len(xls_file.sheet_names) > 1: self.c_sheet.setEnabled(True) else: self.c_sheet.setEnabled(False) self.c_sheet.blockSignals(True) # Fill combobox self.c_sheet.clear() for name in xls_file.sheet_names: self.c_sheet.addItem(name) # Select current index if ( not in ["", None] and in xls_file.sheet_names ): self.c_sheet.setCurrentText( else: = xls_file.sheet_names[0] self.c_sheet.setCurrentIndex(0) self.c_sheet.blockSignals(False) else: self.c_sheet.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def set_sheet(self): """Change the current sheet selected""" = self.c_sheet.currentText()
[docs] def set_range(self): """Change the range of data selected""" if pattern_validation_input.match(self.le_range.text()) is not None: self.b_ok.setEnabled(True) pattern_row = r"\d+" pattern_cols = r"[a-zA-Z]{1,}" str_row_list = re.findall(pattern_row, self.le_range.text()) self.int_row_list = list(map(int, str_row_list)) str_col_list = re.findall(pattern_cols, self.le_range.text()) self.cols = str_col_list[0].upper() + ":" + str_col_list[1].upper() else: self.b_ok.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def s_convert(self): """Convert data to ImportMatrixVal""" try: data = except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self,"Error"), str(e)) return = ImportMatrixVal(value=data) self.dataTypeChanged.emit()
[docs] def save(self): """Update the data before closing""" skipped_rows = self.int_row_list[0] - 1 data_excel = read_excel( self.load_path, sheet_name=self.c_sheet.currentText(), skiprows=skipped_rows, nrows=self.int_row_list[1] - skipped_rows, usecols=self.cols, header=None, ) self.datas = data_excel.values if self.c_order.currentIndex() == 1: self.data_reversed = list() for single_point in data_excel.values: self.data_reversed.append(single_point[::-1]) # Reverse column self.datas = numpy.array(self.data_reversed) self.accept()
[docs] def cancel(self): """Close""" self.close()
[docs]def is_excel_file(file_path): """Check if the path is correct for an excel file""" return ( file_path is not None and isfile(file_path) and (file_path[-4:] == ".xls" or file_path[-5:] == ".xlsx") )