Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.Conductor.comp_skin_effect_resistance

from numpy import pi, sqrt, sin, cos, sinh, cosh

[docs]def comp_skin_effect_resistance(self, freq, T_op=20, T_ref=20, b=None, zt=None): """Compute the skin effect factor on resistance for the conductors from "Design of Rotating Electrical Machines", J. Pyrhonen, second edition All parameters are defined p.270 / 271 Parameters ---------- self : Conductor an Conductor object b: float Slot width [m] zt: int Number of turns in series per coil freq: float or ndarray electrical frequency [Hz] T_op: float Conductor operational temperature [degC] T_ref: float Conductor reference temperature [degC] Returns ---------- kr_skin : float skin effect coeff for resistance at given frequency and temperature """ if b is None: # Compute slot average width slot = self.parent.parent.slot b = slot.comp_width() if zt is None: # Get number of turns in series per coil zt = self.parent.Ntcoil # check if wires are round or rectangular is_round_wire = self.is_round_wire() # conductor height hc0 = self.comp_height_wire() # conductor width bc0 = self.comp_width_wire() # Number of circumferential adjacent wires za = self.comp_nb_circumferential_wire() # Number of radial adjacent wires zp = self.comp_nb_radial_wire() # Equivalent height of conductor hc = zp * hc0 # Electrical conductivity accounting for temperature increase sigma = self.cond_mat.elec.get_conductivity(T_op=T_op, T_ref=T_ref) # Magnetic permeability mu0 = 4 * pi * 1e-7 if self.cond_mat.mag is None or self.cond_mat.mag.mur_lin is None: mur = 1 else: mur = self.cond_mat.mag.mur_lin # Electrical pulsation w = 2 * pi * freq # reduced conductor height Eq(5.24) p.270 + adding relative permeatibility ksi = hc * sqrt((1 / 2) * w * mu0 * mur * sigma * za * bc0 / b) if not isinstance(ksi, float): # Avoid numerical error with 0 ksi[ksi == 0] = 1e-4 # average resistance factor if is_round_wire: # Use round wire approximation Eq(5.30) p.271 kr_skin = 1 + 0.59 * ((zt ** 2 - 0.2) / 9) * ksi ** 4 else: # resistance factor function phi Eq(5.26) p.271 phi = ksi * (sinh(2 * ksi) + sin(2 * ksi)) / (cosh(2 * ksi) - cos(2 * ksi)) # resistance factor function psi Eq(5.27) p.271 psi = 2 * ksi * (sinh(ksi) - sin(ksi)) / (cosh(ksi) + cos(ksi)) kr_skin = phi + ((zt ** 2 - 1) / 3) * psi # Eq(5.28) p.271 # kr_approx = 1 + (zt ** 2 - 0.2) / 9 * ksi ** 4 # Eq(5.29) p.271 return kr_skin