Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.LamSlotMultiWind.plot

from matplotlib.patches import Patch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ....Functions.labels import decode_label, WIND_LAB, BAR_LAB, LAM_LAB
from ....Functions.Winding.find_wind_phase_color import find_wind_phase_color
from ....Functions.Winding.gen_phase_list import gen_name
from ....Functions.init_fig import init_fig
from ....definitions import config_dict
from ....Classes.WindingSC import WindingSC


[docs]def plot( self, fig=None, ax=None, is_lam_only=False, sym=1, alpha=0, delta=0, is_edge_only=False, edgecolor=None, is_add_arrow=False, is_display=True, is_add_sign=False, is_show_fig=True, save_path=None, win_title=None, is_winding_connection=False, ): """Plot the Lamination with empty Slots in a matplotlib fig Parameters ---------- self : LamSlotMulti A LamSlotMulti object fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure existing figure to use if None create a new one ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis on which to plot the data is_lam_only: bool True to plot only the lamination sym : int Symmetry factor (1= full machine, 2= half of the machine...) alpha : float Angle for rotation [rad] delta : complex Complex value for translation is_edge_only: bool To plot transparent Patches edgecolor: Color of the edges if is_edge_only=True is_display : bool False to return the patches is_show_fig : bool To call show at the end of the method is_winding_connection : bool True to display winding connections (not used) Returns ------- patches : list List of Patches fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plot ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis containing the plot """ if self.is_stator: lam_color = STATOR_COLOR else: lam_color = ROTOR_COLOR (fig, ax, patch_leg, label_leg) = init_fig(fig=fig, ax=ax, shape="rectangle") # getting the number of phases and winding connection matrix if self.winding is not None: if isinstance(self.winding, WindingSC): # plot only one phase for WindingSC wind_mat = None qs = 1 else: try: wind_mat = self.winding.get_connection_mat(self.get_Zs()) qs = self.winding.qs except: wind_mat = None qs = 1 else: wind_mat = None qs = 1 # Get the LamSlot surface(s) surf_list = self.build_geometry(sym=sym, alpha=alpha, delta=delta) patches = list() for surf in surf_list: label_dict = decode_label(surf.label) if LAM_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: patches.extend( surf.get_patches( color=lam_color, is_edge_only=is_edge_only, edgecolor=edgecolor ) ) elif WIND_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"] or BAR_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: if not is_lam_only: color, sign = find_wind_phase_color(wind_mat=wind_mat, label=surf.label) if sign == "+" and is_add_sign: hatch = PLUS_HATCH elif sign == "-" and is_add_sign: hatch = MINUS_HATCH else: hatch = None patches.extend( surf.get_patches( color=color, is_edge_only=is_edge_only, hatch=hatch, edgecolor=edgecolor, ) ) else: patches.extend( surf.get_patches(is_edge_only=is_edge_only, edgecolor=edgecolor) ) # Display the result if is_display: (fig, ax, patch_leg, label_leg) = init_fig(fig) ax.set_xlabel("(m)") ax.set_ylabel("(m)") for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(patch) # Axis Setup ax.axis("equal") # Window title if self.is_stator: prefix = "Stator " else: prefix = "Rotor " if ( win_title is None and self.parent is not None and not in [None, ""] ): win_title = + " " + prefix[:-1] elif win_title is None: win_title = prefix[:-1] manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() if manager is not None: manager.set_window_title(win_title) # The Lamination is centered in the figure Lim = self.Rext * 1.5 ax.set_xlim(-Lim, Lim) ax.set_ylim(-Lim, Lim) # Add the legend if not is_edge_only: if self.is_stator and "Stator" not in label_leg: patch_leg.append(Patch(color=STATOR_COLOR)) label_leg.append("Stator") ax.set_title("Stator with empty slot") elif not self.is_stator and "Rotor" not in label_leg: patch_leg.append(Patch(color=ROTOR_COLOR)) label_leg.append("Rotor") ax.set_title("Rotor with Winding") # Add the winding legend only if needed if not is_lam_only: if isinstance(self.winding, WindingSC): patch_leg.append(Patch(color=PHASE_COLORS[0])) label_leg.append(prefix + "Bar") elif self.winding is not None: phase_name = [prefix + n for n in gen_name(qs, is_add_phase=True)] for ii in range(qs): if not phase_name[ii] in label_leg and not is_add_sign: # Avoid adding twice the same label index = ii % len(PHASE_COLORS) patch_leg.append(Patch(color=PHASE_COLORS[index])) label_leg.append(phase_name[ii]) if not "Phase +" in label_leg and is_add_sign: # Avoid adding twice the same label index = ii % len(PHASE_COLORS) patch_leg.append( Patch(color=PHASE_COLORS[index], hatch=PLUS_HATCH) ) label_leg.append(phase_name[ii] + " +") if not "Phase -" in label_leg and is_add_sign: # Avoid adding twice the same label index = ii % len(PHASE_COLORS) patch_leg.append( Patch(color=PHASE_COLORS[index], hatch=MINUS_HATCH) ) label_leg.append(phase_name[ii] + " -") ax.legend(patch_leg, label_leg) if save_path is not None: fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig=fig) if is_show_fig: return fig, ax else: return patches