Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Optimization.OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap.solve

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from import selNSGA2
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np

from ....Classes.Output import Output
from ....Classes.XOutput import XOutput
from ....Classes.DataKeeper import DataKeeper
from ....Classes.ParamExplorerSet import ParamExplorerSet
from ....Functions.Optimization.evaluate import evaluate
from ....Functions.Optimization.update import update
from ....Functions.Optimization.check_cstr import check_cstr
from ....Functions.Optimization.tournamentDCD import tournamentDCD

[docs]def create_setter(accessor, attribute): """ Create a simulation setter """ return lambda simu, val: setattr(eval(accessor), attribute, val)
[docs]def solve(self, xoutput=None): """Method to perform NSGA-II using DEAP tools Parameters ---------- self : OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap Solver to perform NSGA-II Returns ------- multi_output : OutputMultiOpti class containing the results xoutput : XOutput class containing the results of the simulations """ logger = self.get_logger() # Check input parameters self.check_optimization_input() # Display information try: filename = self.get_logger().handlers[0] print( "{} Starting optimization... \n\tLog file: {}\n\tNumber of generations: {}\n\tPopulation size: {}\n".format("%H:%M:%S"), filename, self.nb_gen, self.size_pop, ) ) except (AttributeError, IndexError): print( "{} Starting optimization...\n\tNumber of generations: {}\n\tPopulation size: {}\n".format("%H:%M:%S"), self.nb_gen, self.size_pop ) ) try: # Keep number of evalutation to create the shape shape = self.size_pop # Create the toolbox self.create_toolbox() # Add the reference output to multi_output if xoutput is not None: xoutput = xoutput else: xoutput = XOutput(simu=self.problem.simu.copy()) self.xoutput = xoutput # Fitness symbol fitness_symbol = [of.symbol for of in self.problem.obj_func] # Set-up output data as list to be changed into ndarray at the end of the optimization paramexplorer_value = [] xoutput.xoutput_dict["ngen"] = DataKeeper( name="Generation number", symbol="ngen" ) xoutput.xoutput_dict["is_valid"] = DataKeeper( name="Individual validity", symbol="is_valid" ) # Add datakeeper to XOutput to store additionnal values for dk in self.problem.datakeeper_list: assert dk.symbol not in xoutput.xoutput_dict xoutput.xoutput_dict[dk.symbol] = dk # Put objective functions in XOutput for obj_func in self.problem.obj_func: # obj_func is a DataKeeper instance xoutput.xoutput_dict[obj_func.symbol] = obj_func # Create the first population pop = self.toolbox.population(self.size_pop) # Evaluate the population nb_error = 0 for i in range(0, self.size_pop): time ="%H:%M:%S") print_gen_simu(time, 0, i, self.size_pop, nb_error, pop) nb_error += evaluate(self, pop[i]) print_obj(self.problem.obj_func, pop[i]) # Check the constraints violation nb_infeasible = 0 if len(self.problem.constraint) > 0: time ="%H:%M:%S") for indiv in pop: nb_infeasible += check_cstr(self, indiv) == False print( "\r{} gen {:>5}: Finished, {:>4} errors,{:>4} infeasible.\n".format( time, 0, nb_error, nb_infeasible ) ) # Add pop to XOutput for indiv in pop: # Check that at every fitness values is different from inf is_valid = indiv.is_simu_valid and indiv.cstr_viol == 0 if self.is_keep_all_output: xoutput.output_list.append(indiv.output) # is_valid xoutput.xoutput_dict["is_valid"].result.append(is_valid) # Design variable values paramexplorer_value.append(list(indiv)) # Add fitness values to DataKeeper for i, symbol in enumerate(fitness_symbol): xoutput.xoutput_dict[symbol].result.append([i]) # ngen xoutput.xoutput_dict["ngen"].result.append(0) if self.selector == None: pop = selNSGA2(pop, self.size_pop) else: parents = self.selector(pop, self.size_pop) ############################ # LOOP FOR EACH GENERATION # ############################ for ngen in range(1, self.nb_gen): # Extracting parents using parents = tournamentDCD(pop, self.size_pop) # Copy new indivuals children = [] for indiv in parents: child = self.toolbox.individual() for i in range(len(indiv)): child[i] = deepcopy(indiv[i]) child.output = indiv.output.copy() = deepcopy( children.append(child) for indiv1, indiv2 in zip(children[::2], children[::-2]): # Crossover is_cross = self.cross(indiv1, indiv2) # Mutation is_mutation = self.mutate(indiv1) if is_cross or is_mutation: update(indiv1) is_mutation = self.mutate(indiv2) if is_cross or is_mutation: update(indiv2) # Evaluate the children to_eval = [] for indiv in children: if == False: to_eval.append(indiv) shape += len(to_eval) nb_error = 0 for i in range(len(to_eval)): time ="%H:%M:%S") print_gen_simu(time, ngen, i, self.size_pop, nb_error, to_eval) nb_error += evaluate(self, to_eval[i]) print_obj(self.problem.obj_func, to_eval[i]) # Check the constraints violation nb_infeasible = 0 if len(self.problem.constraint) > 0: time ="%H:%M:%S") for indiv in to_eval: nb_infeasible += check_cstr(self, indiv) == False print( "\r{} gen {:>5}: Finished, {:>4} errors,{:>4} infeasible.\n".format( time, ngen, nb_error, nb_infeasible ) ) # Add pop to XOutput for indiv in to_eval: # Check that at every fitness values is different from inf is_valid = indiv.is_simu_valid and indiv.cstr_viol == 0 if self.is_keep_all_output: xoutput.output_list.append(indiv.output) # is_valid xoutput.xoutput_dict["is_valid"].result.append(is_valid) # Design variable values paramexplorer_value.append(list(indiv)) # Fitness values for i, symbol in enumerate(fitness_symbol): xoutput.xoutput_dict[symbol].result.append([i]) # ngen xoutput.xoutput_dict["ngen"].result.append(ngen) # Sorting the population according to NSGA2 if self.selector == None: pop = selNSGA2(pop + children, self.size_pop) else: pop = self.selector(pop, self.size_pop) # Change xoutput variables in ndarray paramexplorer_value = np.array(paramexplorer_value) # Storing number of simulations xoutput.nb_simu = shape # Save design variable values in ParamExplorerSet for i, param_explorer in enumerate(self.problem.design_var): if param_explorer._setter_str is None: setter = param_explorer._setter_func else: setter = param_explorer._setter_str xoutput.paramexplorer_list.append( ParamExplorerSet(, unit=param_explorer.unit, symbol=param_explorer.symbol, setter=setter, value=paramexplorer_value[:, i].tolist(), ) ) # Delete toolbox so that classes created with DEAP remains after the optimization self.delete_toolbox() return xoutput except KeyboardInterrupt: # Except keybord interruption to return the results already computed"Interrupted by the user.") # Change xoutput variables in ndarray paramexplorer_value = np.array(paramexplorer_value) # Storing number of simulations xoutput.nb_simu = shape # Save design variable values in ParamExplorerSet for i, param_explorer in enumerate(self.problem.design_var): xoutput.paramexplorer_list.append( ParamExplorerSet(, unit=param_explorer.unit, symbol=param_explorer.symbol, setter=param_explorer.setter, value=paramexplorer_value[:, i].tolist(), ) ) # Delete toolbox so that classes created with DEAP remains after the optimization self.delete_toolbox() return xoutput except Exception as err: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(err).__name__, err)) raise err