Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Slot.HoleM51.comp_magnetization_dict

from numpy import pi
from ....Classes.Segment import Segment

[docs]def comp_magnetization_dict(self, is_north=True): """Compute the dictionary of the magnetization direction of the magnets (key=magnet_X, value=angle[rad]) Mangetization angle with Hole centered on Ox axis Parameters ---------- self : HoleM51 a HoleM51 object is_north: True True: comp north magnetization, else add pi [rad] Returns ------- mag_dict: dict magnetization dictionary (key=magnet_X, value=angle[rad]) """ # Comp magnet point_dict = self._comp_point_coordinate() mag_dict = dict() S0 = Segment(point_dict["Z18"], point_dict["Z19"]) mag_dict["magnet_0"] = S0.comp_normal() S1 = Segment(point_dict["Z13"], point_dict["Z14"]) mag_dict["magnet_1"] = S1.comp_normal() S2 = Segment(point_dict["Z8"], point_dict["Z9"]) mag_dict["magnet_2"] = S2.comp_normal() if not is_north: mag_dict["magnet_0"] += pi mag_dict["magnet_1"] += pi mag_dict["magnet_2"] += pi if self.magnetization_dict_offset is not None: for key, value in self.magnetization_dict_offset: mag_dict[key] += value return mag_dict