How to run a multi-simulation ============================= The objective of this tutorial is to explain the definition, the postprocessings and the storage of a multi-simulation in Pyleecan. The following organization aims to enable: - multi-simulation of a single model or a complete workflow - multi-simulation of multi-simulations - parallelization to speed up calculations - errors management - built-in postprocessings - efficient storage *VarParam* class ---------------- A simulation, as defined by the *Simulation* object, corresponds to the computation of machine quantities on a single operating point. A multi-simulation is defined as a list of simulations, all based on a reference simulation with variations of its parameters. To define a multi-simulation in pyleecan, first the reference simulation must be defined as a *Simulation* object. Then an optional *VarParam* object (that inherits from an abstract *VarSimu* class) is set as a property of the reference simulation object. *VarParam* object defines how to generate the simulation list, how to parallelize (or not) the computation and which data to gather. To do so, *VarParam* class contains : | Attribute | Type | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | paramexplorer_list | *\[ParamExplorer\]* | simulation parameters to variate | | datakeeper_list | *\[DataKeeper\]* | output data to keep | | nb_proc | *int* | number of processes used | | is_keep_all_output | *bool* | True to keep every output | | stop_if_error | *bool* | error tolerance | | ref_simu_index | *int* | Index of the reference simulation, if None the
reference simulation is not in the multi-simulation | | nb_simu | *int* | number of simulations | On a side note, as all pyleecan object, *VarParam* also has a parent property that links to the reference simulation. Input parameters: *ParamExplorerSet* ------------------------------------ The parameter to change in the reference simulation and how are defined with *ParamExplorer* objects. *ParamExplorerSet* is a *ParamExplorer* that enables to set the parameters variations from a list of values. The parameters to change are defined with a function (setter) which enables to do complex operation with the value as argument (cf example below). This setter can also be defined as a string to target directly a parameter. When generating the list of simulations to run, the function is executed before running the simulation to set the parameters as expected. The *ParamExplorerSet* has five attributes: | Attribute | Type | Description | | --------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | name | *str* | name of the data | | symbol | *str* | short name to access in *XOutput* | | unit | *str* | data unit | | setter | *function* | function that takes a *Simulation* and a
value in argument and modifies the
simulation | | value | *list* | list that contains the different
parameter values to explore | When a *VarParam* is defined with several *ParamExplorer*, it will creates every simulation by making the cartesian product of every *ParamExplorerSet* values. In the following example, two *ParamExplorer* are defined, the first one scales every parameter of the slot according to a single value, the second directly update the current matrix: ``` {.python} def slot_scale(simu, scale_factor): """Edit stator slot size according to a percentage Parameters ---------- simu: Simulation simulation to modify scale_factor: float stator slot scale factor """ simu.machine.stator.slot.W0 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.W1 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.W2 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.H0 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.H1 *= scale_factor paramexplorer_list=[ ParamExplorerSet( name = "Stator slot scale factor", symbol = "stat_slot", unit="", setter=slot_scale, value = [0.99, 1.01] ), ParamExplorerSet( name = "Current", symbol = "I", unit="A", setter="simu.input.Is.value", value = [array_current1, array_current2, array_current3] ), ] ``` A *VarParam* with both the *ParamExplorer* above creates the six following simulations: | simulation number | Stator slot scale factor | Stator current | | ----------------- | ------------------------ | -------------- | | 1 | 0.99 | array_current1 | | 2 | 0.99 | array_current2 | | 3 | 0.99 | array_current3 | | 4 | 1.01 | array_current1 | | 5 | 1.01 | array_current2 | | 6 | 1.01 | array_current3 | Variables to keep: *DataKeeper* ------------------------------- *VarParam* contains a list of *DataKeeper* to specify which data to keep after each simulation by defining post-processing on *Output* object. A *DataKeeper* is a class with six attributes: | Attribute | Type | Description | | ------------ | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | name | *str* | name of the data | | symbol | *str* | short name to access in *XOutput* | | unit | *str* | data unit | | keeper | *function* | function that takes an *Output* in argument and
returns a value | | error_keeper | *function* | function that takes a *Simulation* in argument and
returns a value, this attribute permits to handle
errors and attribute permits to handle errors and
to put NaN values in the result matrices | | result | *list* | list containing DataKeeper results for each simulation | This following datakeepers enable to store the average torque and the radial magnetic flux for each of the six simulations: ``` {.python} datakeeper_list = [ DataKeeper( name = "Average Torque", unit = "N.m", symbole = "Tem_av", keeper = lambda output: output.mag.Tem_av, error_keeper = lambda simu: np.nan ), DataKeeper( name = "Radial Magnetic Flux", unit = "H", symbol = "Br", keeper = lambda output: output.mag.Br, error_keeper = lambda simu: np.nan * np.zeros( len(simu.machine.time.value), len(simu.machine.angle.value) ) ) ] ``` DataKeepers with their results are stored in a dict whose keys are the data symbol. DataKeepers results contain results from *DataKeeper.keeper(output)* (or *DataKeeper.error_keeper(simu)* when the simulation raise an error). Running *VarParam* ------------------ When the method `` is called, the reference simulation is executed first. Then, if a VarParam is defined, the corresponding list of simulations is generated and run. If a VarParam is defined, `` returns an *XOutput* object else it returns an *Output*. *XOutput* class --------------- *XOutput* is a daughter of *Output* that enables to store *VarParam* results: | Attribute | Type | Description | | ------------ | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | simu | *Simulation* | Reference *Simulation* | | geo | *OutGeo* | Reference *Simulation* geometry output | | elec | *OutElec* | Reference *Simulation* electrical module output | | mag | *OutMag* | Reference *Simulation* magnetic module output | | force | *OutForce* | Reference *Simulation* force module output | | struct | *OutStruct* | Reference *Simulation* structural module output | | post | *OutPost* | Reference *Simulation* post-processing settings | | input_param | *list* | List of *ParamExplorerSet* containing
values for each simulation | | output_list | *list* | List containing each *Output* | | xoutput_dict | *dict* | Dictionnary containing *VarParam* *DataKeeper* | Reference simulation results are stored in the properties inherited from Output and other simulation results are stored in a list of *Output* and/or in a dict containing *DataKeeper*, according to *VarParam* parameters. Paramater variations are stored in a specific list of *ParamExplorerSet* created at the beginning of the simulation. If `VarParam.is_keep_all_output` is True, then each output of each simulation is stored in the output_list. This option is set as False by default to avoid memory issues. The class has some getters to gather results: list slices can be extracted according to some input values e.g. extract average torque for simulations with a specific value of slot angle or a specific speed. To ease the access to the results, *XOutput* behaves like a dictionary to access directly to `XOutput.xout_dict` and like a list to access directly to `XOuput.output_list`. Furthermore, `len(XOutput)` returns the number of simulations, which is 6 in this case. For this example, the following call returns a list containing the average torque for each simulation with the stator scale factor set to 0.99. ``` {.python} xouput['Tem_av'].result[0:3] ```